Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 05.djvu/182

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contributions to scientific journals. He also pub- lished '■ Paleontology of the Upper Missouri (1805); •• Sun Pictures of Rocky Mountain Scen- ery " (1870); and '* Yellowstone National Park "' (1876). His widow. Emma \V. Harden on April 11. 1888. gave in to the National academy of sciences the sum of .S'2.50(l to provide for the Hay- den memorial medal in bronze to be annually bestowed as " a reward for the best publication, explanation, discovery or research in the science of geology and paleontology', or in sucli particular branches thereof as may be designated, which award and the conditions and limitations attend- ing the sivme and all matters connected with this gift shall l)e determined by a conunittee, etc., etc." The first award of this medal was made to Prof. James Hall, state geologist of New York, the first geologist to encourage young Hayden in 1851 by placing him in charge of an expedition to the region of the '" Bad Lands." He died in Phil- adelphia. Pa.. Dec. 22, 1887.

HAYDEN, Horace Edwin, and his- torian, was l>()rn in Catonsville. Md., Feb. 18, 1837; son of Edwin Par.sons and Elizabeth (Hause) Hayden; grandson of Dr. Horace H. and Maria An- toinette (Robinson) Hayden, and of William and Catharine (Hull) Hause; great-grandson of Adj. Thomas and Abigail (Parsons) Hayden; great^ grandson of Daniel and Esther (Moore) Hayden; great^ grandson of Lieut. Daniel and Hannah (Wilcoxson) Hayden; and great* grandson of William Hayden (or Heydon) (born in Somer- setshire, England, 1600, died in Windsor, Conn., Sept. 27, 1669). a passenger on the Mary and John, May 30, 1630, land owner in Hartford, 1689, Windsor, 1642, and soldier in the Pequot war. Horace Edwin was a student at St. Timothy mil- itary academy; engaged in business at Philadel- phia, Pa., 1853-58; attended Kenyon college, Ohio, 1858-61; and was a school teacher in 1861. He was a soldier in the civil war under Gens. J. E. B. Stuart, Fitzhugh Lee and G. W. C. Lee in the 1st Virginia and Maryland cavalry, 1862-65. He was graduated at the theological seminar}' of Vir- ginia in 1867; was ordained deacon by Bishop Johns in 1867 and priest by Bishop Whittle in 1808. He was rector of Christ church. Point Pleasant, Va.. 1867-73; of St. John's church, Brownsville, Pa., 1873-79; and became assistant minister of St. Stephen's, Wilkesbarre, Pa., in 1879. He was made examining chaplain of the diocese; pres- ident of the Luzerne County humane association, member of the American historical a.s.sociation; of the Wyoming hi.storical society; of the Geo- logical society of Wilkesbarre; of the Sons of the Revolution: of the United Confederate Veterans and of various other military, scientific and histor- ical a.s-sociations. His war record completes the eighth generation of his family who served in the wars of America. He is the author of Viryinia Genealogies, a biographical-genealogical history, of 800 pp. (1891).

HAYDEN, Horace H., dentist, was born in Windsor, Conn., Oct. 13, 1769; the son of a Rev- olutionary patriot who was an officer in the Amer- ican army. He taught scliool, became an architect, and in 1790, tlirough the influence of Dr. Green- wood, took up the study of dentistry which he practised in Baltimore, Md., 1804-44. He attained eminence as a geologist. He also studied medicine and was a volunteer surgeon in the war of 1812, serving with the Maryland troops in the battle of North Point in 1814. He received the honor- ary degree of M.D. from Jefferson medical college in 1837, and from Maryland medical universitj' in 1840. He founded the Baltimore college of den- tal surger}', was its first president, and first pro- fessor of dental pathology and physiology, 1839- 44. He founded and was the first president of the American society of dental surgery, and a founder and first vice-president of the American academy of science and literature. He published Geological Essays ( 1820); and various scientific articles in the American Medical Itecord (1822) and Silliman's Journal (1832); and "Silk Co- coons " in Journal of the American Silk Company (1839). He died in Baltimore, Md., Jan. 26, 1844.

HAYDN, Hiram Collins, educator, was born at Pompey, N.Y., Dec. 11, 1831; son of David E. and Lucinda (Cooley) Haydn; grandson of Pel- atiah and Hephzibah Hayden; and a descendant of the Hay dens of Windsor, Conn. The " e " was dropped from the name about 1838. He was graduated at Am- herst college in 1856 and at the Union theological seminary, N.Y., in 1859. He preached in ^lont- ville. Conn.. 1859-60; visited Europe, 1861; and in January, 1862, was installed pastor of the First Congre- gational church of Meriden, Conn. In October, 1866, he re- moved to Ohio to become pastor of the First Congrega- tional cliurch of Painesville. In 1870 he trav- elled in Egypt, Sinai and Palestine and in August, 1872, became associate pastor with W. H. Good- rich, D.D. of the First Presbyterian church of Cleveland, Ohio, becoming sole pastor at the death of Dr. Goodrich, two years later. In Oc- tober, 1880, lie resigned his pastorate to become district secretary of missions for the A.B.C.F.M.,