Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 05.djvu/227

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president of the newly-organized National Union bank of New York city. He was Demo- cratic representative from the 3d New York dis- trict in the 53d congress, 1893-95. He was elected a trustee of Cornell university in 1895, was a member of the committee on admissions to the New York clearing-house, 1897, and of the com- mittee on arbitration, 1899, and was made presi- dent of the American Bankers' association in August, 1897. He was elected councillor of the Long Island Historical society, and a director of the National Bank of Commerce, and of several trust companies.

HENKLE, Eli Jones, representative, was born in Baltimore county, Md., Nov. 24, 1828 ; son of the Rev. Eli and Elizabeth Henkle ; grandson of the Rev. Moses Henkle, a Methodist minister ; greats-grandson of Justus, and greats-grandson of the Rev. Gerhard Henkle. a Lutheran minister, who came to America about 1719, and settled at Germantown, near Philadelphia, Pa. Eli Jones Henkle attended an academy, taught school and was graduated in medicine from the University of Maryland in 1850, practising in Brooklyn, Md. He divided his time between the in^actice of his profession and scientific gardening. He was a representative in the state legislature in 1863, 1871 and 1873 ; a member of the Maryland consti- tutional convention in 1864 ; a state senator in 1867, 1868 and 1870 ; and a delegate to the Dem- ocratic national convention in 1872. He held the chair of anatomy, physiology and natural history in the Maryland Agricultural college in 1873-74, and was a representative in the 44th, 45th and 46th congresses, 1875-81. He was married to Elizabeth Ann. daughter of Samuel and Harriet Thomas, of Anne Arundel county, Md.

HENLEY, John Dandridge, naval officer, was born in Williamsburg. Va., Feb. 25, 1781. He was apijointed by President Washington a mid- shipman in tlie U.S. navy, Oct. 14, 1799. His fii-st notable service was under Commodore Preble in the Tripolitan war, and for gallantry at the bombardment of Tripoli he was highly com- mended. He was promoted lieutenant, Jan. 3,1807, and in the war of 1812 he commanded the lO-gun sloop VijJer, which was captured by the British 32-gun frigate Xarcissus, Jan. 17, 1813. He was promoted commander, July 24, 1813, and on April 29, 1814, he rendered distinguished service in the engagement between the Peacock and the Ejjer- vier. In 1814 he was placed in command of the Louisiana, and in January, 1815, in the battle of New Orleans, his vessel rendered valuable service by covering the flank of the American army. He was promoted captain, March 5, 1817, and was in command of the West India squadron at the time of his death, which occurred in Havana, Cuba, May 23, 1835.

HENLEY, Robert, naval officer, was born in Wilhamsburg, Ya., Jan. 5, 1783 ; brother of John Dandridge Henley. He was educated at William and Mary college and intended for the law, but

l^ref erred to enter the navy, and obtained through his kinsman, ex-President George Washington, a midshipman's warrant, April 8, 1799. His first cruise was with Commodore Truxtun in the Con- stellation and he was present at her encounter with the French ship La Vengeance, Feb. 1, 1800. For his bravery in this conflict he was commended by his commander. On his return to the United States he obtained leave of absence and returned to Williamsburg, where he attended a course of lectures on navigation and naval science. He was promoted lieutenant, Jan. 29, 1807, and placed in command of a gunboat at Norfolk, Va. After some years of similar service he was promoted commander, Aug. 12, 1814, and was placed in command of the brig Eagle on Lake Champlain, and was second in command to Commodore Mc- Donough in the battle of Sept. 11, 1814. He openel the battle, and when he had determined the range the flagship Saratoga joined in the fight. For his gallant conduct in this engage- ment congress voted to him a gold medal and the thanks of both houses. In 1821 he was sent to the West Indies to cruise for pirates, being master- commandant of the 18-gun sloop-of-war Horiiet, and on Oct. 29, 1821, he captured the schooner J/os- cow. He was promoted captain, March 3, 1825. After his return to the United States he was sta- tioned for some years in North Carolina, and thence was ordered to Sullivan's Island, near Charleston, S.C, Avhere he died while in com- mand of the naval station, Oct. 7, 1828.

HENLEY, Thomas Jefferson, representative, was born in Indiana in 18u7. He attended In- diana State university and became a farmer. He was a representative in the state legislature, 1832-42, being for a time speaker of the house. He studied law, but did not practise, and was a representative from Indiana in the 28th, 29th and 30th congresses, 1843-49, being the first native of the state elected to that office. He made the trip overland to California in 1849 and established himself in the banking business in Sacramento. He was a Pierce presidential elector in 1852 and was selected to carry the electoral vote of Cali-