Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 05.djvu/254

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South Hadley lie gJive lectures on philosophy ami ethics at ^Ir. Holyoke seiniiiary, and an entire year's course in theology at the Hartford Theo- loj^ical seminary. He was president of Pa- cific university, Ore- gon, 1880-85, aud president of the Uni- versity of South Da- kota, at Vermillion, 1883-87. He resigned in 1887, and resided at Dundee and Polo, 111. He received from Union college the de- gree of D.D. in 1867, and from the Univer- sity of Vermont that of S.T.D. in the same " year. He published

a number of treatises on theological, philosophi- cal and educational subjects.

HERRICK, Joshua, representative, was born in Beverly. Mass., March 18, 1793 ; son of Joshua and Mary (Jones) Herrick. He settled in Bruns- wick, Maine, in 1811, and engaged in the lumber business. He was deputy inspector and collector of customs for the port of Kennebunk, 1829-41, and 18-17-49. He served on the board of county commissioners in 1842 ; was a Democratic rep- resentative in the 28th congi-ess, 1843-45, and in 1850 removed to Alfred, Maine, and was reg- ister of probate for York county until 1855. He died in Alfred, Maine, Aug. 30, 1874.

HERRICK, Robert, author, was born in Cam- bridge. Mass., April 26, 1868; son of William Augustus and Harriet (Emery) Herrick, and grandson of William Hale and Lois (Killam) Herrick, and of Joshua and Harriet (Peabody) Emery. He was graduated from Harvard col- lege in 1890 ; was instructor in English at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1890-93 ; instructor in rhetoric at the University of Chi- cago, 1893-1895 ; and assistant professor of rlie- toric at the same university from 1895. He is the author of rZ/e 3/an TF//o Trms(1897) ; Literary Love Letters and Other Stories (1898) ; TJie Gospel of Frepilovi (1898): Love's Dilemmas (1899): Com- position aud Rhetoric for Schools (1899) ; Tlte Real World (1901 J ; and contributions to periodicals.

HERRICK, Samuel, representative, was born in Dutcliess county. X.Y., April 14, 1779 ; eldest son of Cai)t. Samuel and Margaret (Pcr-Lee) Herrick ; grandson of Col. Rufus Herrick, an officer in the Revf)lutionary war ; great-grandson of Edward and Mary (Dennison) Herrick ; great- grandson of Steplien and Elizabeth (Trask) Her- rick. and greats-grandson of Ephraim Herrick of Beverly, Mass. He had few advantages of edu-

cation and before tiie age of twentj'-one he con- ductetl a mercantile enterprise at Quebec, Can- ada, and others on the Pennsylvania frontier. In June, 1803, he began the study of law, and was admitted to the Pennsylvania bar June 5, 1805, aud started at once for the west. He was mar- ried, Feb, 6, 1804, to Margaret, daughter of James and Mary (Howard) Davidson, of Cecil county, Md., and settled in Zanesville, Ohio. He was elected by the legislature, collector of taxes in February, 1810 ; was appointed by President Madison U.S. district attorney Dec. 19, 1810; and on Dec. 28, 1810, he was appointed by Governor Meigs aide-de-camp to the commander-in-chief of the state forces. In July, 1812, he was appointed by President Madi- son a commissioner to survey and mark the boundary line of Virginia military lands for the state of Ohio. In the fall of 1812 he was ap- pointed prosecuting attorney for the county of Muskingum, succeeding Lewis Cass. In 1814 he was appointed to the same position for Licking county, .succeeding his brother Edward. In May, 1814, he was commissioned brigadier-general to command the 4th brigade, 3d division, Ohio state militia. In October, 1816, he has elected a representative in the 15th congress, but as con- gress did not meet until December, 1817, he did not resign the office of U.S. district attorney un- til Nov. 19, 1817. On this ground his seat was contested, but he was declared elected, and was re-elected to the 16th congress, serving 1817-21. He was a Jackson elector in 1828, and in May, 1829, was again appointed U.S. district attorney for Ohio. He resigned in June, 1830, I'etired to his farm near Zanesville, and devoted the rest of his life to charity. He died near Zanesville, Ohio, June 4, 1^52.

HERRICK, Sophia flcllvaine Bledsoe, editor, was born in Gambier, Ohio, March 26, 1837 ; daughter of Dr. Albert Taylor and Harriet (Coxe) Bledsoe. Her education was somewhat hap- hazard, but she was surrounded by the advan- tages of a fine library and of literary people. Later .she became a student at Cooper Female institute, Dayton, Ohio. In 1860 she was married to the Rev. James Herrick. She was assistant editor of the Southern Review, edited by her father, 1874-77, and was editor-in-chief, 1877-78. In 1878 she became editorially connected with Scribner's Monthlij, afterward the Century. She publislied Wonders of Plant-Life under the Microscope (1883); Chapters in Plant-Life (1885); Tlie Earth in Past Ages (1888), and contributed to magazines.

HERRING, Elbert, jurist, was born in Strat- ford, Conn.. July y, 1777; son of Abraham and Elizabetii (Ivers) Herring ; grandson of Elbert and Elizabeth (Bogart) Hariug ; great-grandsoa