Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 05.djvu/322

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grandson of Samuel Davies and Elizabeth (Lary) Hoge.andof Peyton Harrison ; and a descendant of Moses Hoge and Drury Lacy, presidents of Hanipden-Sidney college. Va., and of the Harri- sons, Randolphs, and Carrs of Virginia. He was graduated from Hanipden-Sidney college, A.B., 1876 ; A.M.. 1878, and from the Union Theological seminary at Virginia in 1882. He was licensed to preach in April, 1883, and was ordained in October, 188'-2, by the Presbytery of East Han- over. He organizeil and was pastor of the Fourth churcli at Eiclimond, Va., 1882-85; pas- tor of the First church at Wilmington, N.C., 188.>-'J9 ; and in September, 1899, he became pas- tor of the Warren Memorial church, Louisville, Ky. He was elected president of the board of trustees of the Union Theological seminary of Virginia in 1896. He received the honorary de- gree of D.D. from Hampden-Sidney college in 1889. He is the author of: Moses Drury Hoge: Life and Lett rrs (1899).

HOGE, Samuel Davies, educator, was born in Slieplierdstown, Va.. April 16, 1792; son of Moses and Elizabeth (Poage) Hoge. He was graduated at Hampden-Sidney college, Va., in 1810; studied theology there under his father, and was tutor, professor and vice-president of the college, 1810- 16. He was licensed to preach in 1813, and in 1817 was installed pastor over the churches in Madison and Culpeper counties. He was mar- ried in February, 1817, to Elizabeth, daughter of President Drury Lacy, of Hampden-Sidney col- lege, Va., and their son, Moses Drury Hoge, was a prominent Presbyterian divine in Richmond, Va., 1845-99. In 1820 he removed to Ohio, where he filled pastorates at Hillsborough and Rock Springs, 1820-23 ; was professor of natural sci- ence in Ohio university, Athens, 1823-26 ; acting president, 1824, and pastor of both the village and college churches. 1823-26. He died at Athens. Oliio, Dec. 25. 1826.

HOGE, Solomon LaFayette, representative, was l>orn in Logan count}'. Oliio, in Jul}-, 1830 ; son of Solomon Gore and Julia A. (Janney); grandson of Jesse and Elizabeth (Gregg) and a de.scendant of William Hoge. of Scotland, who married Barbara Hume, a grandneice of the his- torian ; came to America in the 17th century, and whose son settled in Virginia in 1754. On liis mother's side he descended from Tiiomas Janney, of Cheshire. England, a minister in the Society of Friends for twenty-eight years, who settled in Bucks county, Pa., in 1683. the family later removing to Loudoun county, Va. Solomon LaFayette Hoge was graduatpd from the Cincin- nati I>aw college in 1859. and practised his |)rof('s- sion at Bellefontaine, Ohio. In 1801 he entered the Federal army as first lieutenant in the 82<1 Ohio volunteer infantry and was promoted to the

rank of captain. He received a severe gun-shot wound through the neck and shoulder at the second battle of ^Manassas. He was twice bre- vettod for bravery in action, and in 1806 was com- missioned 2d lieutenant in the 0th regiment, U.S.A. He was promoted 1st lieutenant in July, 1800, brevetted captain, and assigned to duty by General Sickles as judge advocate of the military commission and general court martial in the city of Ciiarleston, S.C. He was later reassigned to the same duty by General Canby. He resigned his commission in 1808, removed to Columbia, S.C, and was elected associate justice of the supreme court of South Carolina. He was a representative in the 41st congress, and was again elected to the 44th congress, serving 1809- 71 and 1875-77, He was comptroller-general of South Carolina in 1874-75,

HOGE, William, representative. Avas born in Cumberland county. Pa., in 1702; son of David

and (Walker) Hoge, and a brother of John

Hoge (1700-1824). In 1782 he removed to west- ern Pennsylvania, and with his brother John founded the town of Washington. He was a representative in the 7th and 8th congresses, 1801-04. He resigned in 1804, and was suc- ceeded by his brother John. He was also a representative in the 10th congress, 1807-09. He died in Washington, Pa.. Sept. 25, 1814.

HOGE, William James, clergyman, was born near Hampden-Sidney. Va., Aug. 14, 1825 ; son of Samuel Davies and Elizabeth (Lacy) Hoge, and grandson of Moses and Elizabeth (Poage) Hoge, and of the Rev. Drury and Anne (Smith) Lacy.' He was prepared for college at Columbus and Grenville, Ohio, was graduated from Ohio university, A.B., 1843, A.M., 1845, was professor of rhetoric and assistant in mathematics at Ohio university, Athens, Ohio, 1848-51, during which time he studied theology under Dr. McGuffey, the president of the univei'sity, was licensed to preach by the presbytery of Hocking, in 1850, and was ordained by the same presbytery in 1851. He was married in 1847 to Mary, daughter of John P. Ballard, of Athens, Oliio. who died in 1850. In 1855 he was niarried to Virginia, daughter of Peyton Harrison. He was pastor <)f the West- minster Presbyterian church, Baltimore, Md., 1852-50 ; professor of Biblical (New Testament) literature in Union Theological seminary of Vir- ginia, 1850-59 ; pastor of the Bi-ick collegiate church. New York city, 1859-61 ; of the Presby- terian church. Charlottesville, Va., 1861-63. and of Tabb Street church. Petersburg. Va.. 1863-64. Ho is the author of : Blinrl Bart i mens (ISod). He di.Ml ill I'.'t.'i-^hiirg. Vm.. July 5. 1804.

HOGG, James Stephen, governor of Texas, was born near Rusk. Clierokee county. Texa.s, Marcli 24, 1851 ; son of Joseph L. and Lucanda (McMath)