Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 05.djvu/328

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5n 1876 to examine the South Kensington loan collection of scientific instruments. He observed the transit of Mercury with Dr. Henry Draper at Hastiiisrs. N.Y., on May 6. 1878 : had charge of an expedition to Colorado to observe the total solar eclii)se, on July 29, 1878, and planned the erection and working of the time- ball on the Western Union Telegraph

building in New York city, in 1879. He resigned his position in the U.S. na^-y in 1882 ; was professor of astronomy in the Universit.v of Wiscon- sin and director of W^ashburn observa- tory, 1881-85, and was in charge of the government expedition to the Caroline Islands in the South Pacific ocean to observe the total eclipse of the sun. May 6, 1883. He was presi- dent of the University of California, 1886-88, and director of Lick observatory from 1888 until 1898, when he resigned, and removed to New York cit}\ He was appointed by the Pres- ident a member of the board of visitors to the U.S. ^lilitary academj-. West Point, in 1885, and to the U.S. Naval academy-, Annapolis, in 1896. He received the following decorations from for- eign governments : Knight-Commander of the Ernestine Order of Saxony (189-1) ; Knight of the Danebrog Order of Denmark (1896), and Knight of the Order of Bolivar of Venezuela. He was elected a member of the National Acad- emy of Sciences in 1885 ; of the American Phil- osopliical society in 18^7 ; an associate fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and an honorary member or foreign associate of many learned societies in Europe and America. He received the degree of LL.D. from the Uni- versit}' of Wisconsin in 1886, and from Columbia college in 1887, and that of Sc.D. from the Uni- versity of the Pacific in 1896. He assisted Dr. Benjamin A. Gould in preparing Investigations in the Milifnr)/ and Anthropolocjicdl Statistics of American Soldiers (1866) ; translated and discov- ered keys to the presidential Cipher Dispatches (1878) ; prepared a Monograph of the Central Parts of the Nebnla of Orion (1882) ; collaborated with Prof. Simon Newcomb in preparing text- books of astronomy (1880) ; wrote: Sir William Herschel: His Life and Works (1881); Hand- Book of Lick Observatory (1889) ; History of the Mogid Emperors of Hindustan (1895) ; Mountain Observatories (1896) ; Life of W. C. and G. P.

Bond (1897). and Catalogue of Earthquakes on the Pacific Coast, 176!)-1897 (1897); edited four volumes of astronomical observations at Madison and nine at the Lick observatory, and contributed )nany professional and miscellaneous papers to periodicals. He is also the author of : A Primer of Heraldry for Americans (1897); The Earth and Sky (1898) ; Our Country's Flag and the Flags of Foreign Countries (1898); Elementary Astron- omy (XSdd); Tlie Family of the Sun (lS9ii); Great Astronomers (1899); Stories from the Arabian Nights (1899); Sforiesfrom Froissart (1899), and Biographical Register of the Graduates of the United States Military Academy (a supplement to General Cullum"s "Register") (1901).

HOLDEN, Fox, educator, was born at North Lansing, N.Y., Aug. 17, 1849 ; son of William and Sarah (Walker) Holdeu, and gramlson of Jolin and Betsey (Parmeter) Holden. He was prepared for college at the Ithaca academy, and was graduated from Cornell university in 1872. After leaving the university he was principal of the Tru- mansburg academy, 1872-73 ; of the Ad- dison Union school, 1873-74, and in 1875 was elected the first principal of the Itlia- ca high school. Re- signing this position, lie took a course at the Albany law- school, was admitted to the bar in 1881,

and for a short time practised his profession in that city. In 1882 lie was cliosen superintendent of the Plattsburgli scliools, and on Dec. 12, 1889, first principal of the Plattsburgli normal school. Resigning this position in 1892, lie accepted the position of .superintendent of the Olean, N.Y., city scliools. Syracuse university conferred on him the degree of A.M. in 1883.

HOLDEN, Louis Edward, educator, was born in Rome, N.Y.. April 30. 18G3 ; .son of William Rufus and Ann Elizal)etli (Davis) Holden. and grandson of David and Sarah Ilolden and of Richard R. and Elizabeth (Morris) Davis. He attended the city schools of Utica, N.Y., and Beloit college academy, Wisconsin ; was gradu- ated from Beloit college, A.B., 1888 ; A.M., 1891, and from Princeton Tiieological seminary in 1891. He married, Sept. 29, 1800, Hattie Eliza Sim- mons, a descendant of John Alden. He was or- dained to the Presbyterian ministry, May, 1891, by the ^ladison preshj-tery, Synod of Wisconsin. He was professor of oratory at Beloit college.