Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 05.djvu/442

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W.C.T.U. and the Territorial Woman Suffrage association. He was a delegate to the Democratic national convention of 1892, and in April, 1893, was appointed governor of Arizona and during his administration he reduced the expenses of the government of the territory twenty per cent, and caused half of the territorial offices to be abolished. This action aroused the enmnity of the office-holders and through their petition to the President, Governor Hughes was removed from office in April, 1836. He was appointed chancel- lor of the University of Arizona in 1897, and was made a member of the national executive com- mittee of the Christian Citizenship league and of the National American Sabbath association.

HUGHES, Nicholas Collin, educator, was born in Upper Marion township, Montgomery county, Pa., March 24, 1822: son of John and Hannah (Bartholomew) Hughes. He was grad- uated at the University of Pennsylvania, A.B., 1839. A.M., 1842, and at the General Theological Seminary of the P.E. church. New York city, in 1844. He was rector in North Carolina, and at Sewanee. Tenn., and was rector and head-master of the grammar school of the University of the South, 1874-73. He then removed to Chocowin- ity. Beaufort county, N.C., where he was princi- pal of Trinity school and rector of several churches in that vicinity up to the time of his death. He was married to Adeline Edmunds, daughter of Dr. Robert Williams, a surgeon in the American Revolution, and their son, Nicholas Collin, Jr., succeeded his father as principal of Trinity school. He received the honorary degree of D.D. from the University of North Carolina in 1883. He is the author of : Genesis and Geology,

and a tract entitled Is Christ Divided ? He died in Chocowinity, N.C., May 20, 1893. 

HUGHES, Richard Cecil, educator, was born at Spring.l.ile. Oliio. Feb. 14, 18G1 : son of Rev. Dr. Tiiomas Edgar and Myra (Cross) Hughes ; grandson of the Rev. William Hughes, of Lou- denville, Ohio, and a descendant of the Rev. William Hughes, born in 1670, and died in Penn- sylvania in 1 770. He was graduated from Wooster university, Ohio, in 1884, and from the McCor- mick Theological .seminary, Cliicago, 111., in 1887. He was pastor of the Presbyterian church in Sidney, Iowa, 1887-91 ; vice-president and professor of mental science at Tabor college, Iowa, 1891-97, and was elected president of the institution and professor of philosophy there in


HUGHES, Robert William, jurist, was born in Powhatan county, Va., June C, 1821. He was a student at Caldwell institute, 1837-40, and taught school at Hillsborough, N.C., 1840-42. He re- moved to Richmond, Va., where he was editor of the Examiner, 1842-37 ; a staff editor on the

Washington Union, 1857-59 ; again editor of the Examiner, 18G1-G5 ; editor of the Richmond Republic, 1805-66, and contributor to the State Journal, 1866-71, In June, 1869, he fought a duel with William E. Cameron, editor of the Richmond Index, when Cameron was wounded. He was U.S. attorney for the western district of Virginia, 1871-73, by appointment of President Grant ; unsuccessful Republican candidate for governor of Virginia in 1873, and U.S. judge for the eastern district of Virginia, 1874-98, when he retired. He wrote short biographies of Gen- erals Joseph E. Johnston and John B. Floj'd, pub- lished in Pollard's Lee and Hix Lieutenavts {\S(il) ; The Currency Question {\H79) : lite American Dol- lar (1890). and four volumes of Federal decisions. He died in Wasliington Co., Va., Dec. 10, 1901,

HUGHES, Simon P., governor of Arkansas, was born at Carthage, Smith countj', Tenn., Aug. 14, 1830 : son of Simon P. and Mary P. (Hubbard) Hughes ; grandson of Simon P. Hughes and a descendant of Simon P. Hughes, a Welshman, who set- tled at the mouth of the Rappalianock riv- er, Va., before the Revolutionary war. He attended the country schools,

Avorked on a farm to procure the money to finish his education and attended Sylvan academy in Sumner county, Tenn., in 1840-47, and Clinton college. Smith coun- ty, Tenn., 1848-49. in 1849 ; was sheriff of Monroe county. Ark., 1855-56, studied law, and was admitted to the Arkansas bar in 1857, establishing liimself in practice in Clarendon, Ark., where he re- mained until he entered the Confederate army, serving as private, captain and lieutenant-colonel, 1862-05. He was a member of the Arkansas legislature, 1800-07 ; a delegate to the Constitu- tional convention in 1874; attorney-general of Arkansas, 1874-77 ; Democratic candidate for governor in 1870 ; governor two terms. '1885-89, and was elected .associate justice of the supreme court in 1888, and again in 1890, the term extend- ing eight years.

HUGHES, Thomas Aloysius, educator, was born in Liverpool, England, Jan. 24, 1849; son of Thomas and Catherine (Hughes) Hughes. He was educated at the Mechanics' Institute : St. Francis Xavier's college. Liverpool, England, 1859-03 ; Stony hurst college, Lancashire, 1803-66,

He removed to Arkansas