Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 05.djvu/444

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HULBERT, Eri Baker, educator, was born in Cliic:iL,'o. HI.. July 10, 1841; son of Eri Baker and Mary Louisa (Walker) Hulbert ; grandson of Ambrose Hulbert, and a descendant of William Hulbert. who was made a freeman in the Massa- chusetts B.iy colony in 1G32. He entered Madison (afterward Colgate) university in 1859, leaving at the close of the junior year to enter Union college, where he was graduated, A.B., 1863, A.M., 1SG6. He was graduated from Hamilton Theological seminary in 1865, and received the degree of A.M. from Madison in 1866. He was connected with the Christian commission in Grant's army for a short time before the close of the civil war ; was pastor of the Baptist churcli at Manchester, Vt., 1865-68 ; and worked with the Rolling Mills mission in Chicago from Novem- ber, 1868, until its organization as a church in March, 1870. He was married in 1869 to Ettie E. Spencer, of Troy, Pa. He was pastor of the First Baptist church, St. Paul. Minn., 1870-74; of the First Baptist church, San Francisco, Cal., 1874-78; and of the Fourth Baptist church, Chicago, III. , 1878-81. He was professor of church history at the Baptist Union Theological semi- nary, 1881-92 ; acting president of that institu- ti m. 1884-85 ; and in 1892 became liead professor of ciiurch history and dean of the divinity school, University of Chicago. He received the degree of D.D. from Union Theological seminary in 1880 and that of LL.D. from Bucknell university in 189^.

HULBERT, Henry Woodward, educator, was born in East Sheldon, Vt., Jan. 28, 1858 ; son of Calvin Butler and Mary Elizabeth (Woodward) Hulbert. He was graduated from Middlebury college. A.B., 1879, A.M., 1882. He was employed by the U.S. bureau of education to investigate the rural schools of England, 1879-80 ; was professor of Latin and Greek at Meclianicsville academy, N.Y., 1880-81, and instructor in history and liter- ature at Middlebury college, 1881-82. He studied at the Union Theological seminary, 1882-85, was instructor of church history at the Theological seminary at Beirut, Syria, 1886-88; and was ordained by the Presbytery of Athens, Ohio, in 1889. He was professor of history and political science at JL-xrietta college, Ohio, 1888-94 ; pro- fessor of church history at Lane Theological sem- inary, 1894-97. and became a pastor in the First Presbyterian church at Cleveland, Ohio, in 1897. He received the honorary degree of D.D. from Middl.'hury and M.irietta colleges in 1900.

HULBURD, Calvin Tilden, representative, waa born in Stockholm, N.Y., June 5, 1809; son of Ebenezer and Lucy (Tilden) Hulburd. He fitted for college at St. Lawrence academy and under a private tutor ; was graduated at Middlebury in 1829 ; studied law at Yale, 1831-32,

and engaged in farming at Brasher Falls, N.Y. He was married, June 1, 1842, to Jane L Butter- field. He was a member of the state assembly, 1842-44 and 1862, and a representative from New Y'ork in the 38th, 39th, and 40th congresses, 1864- 69, where he was chairman of the committee on public expenditures, a nieniljer of the committee on reconstruction, and chairman of the special committee on custom-house frauds in New York city. He superintended the construction of the post-office building in New York city ; was a corporate member of the A.B.C.F.M. ; a trus- tee of Jliddlebury college, Vt., 1850-84 and re- ceived tlie degree of LL.D. from Hamilton in 1867. Ho died in Bnislier Falls, N.Y. , Oct. 24, 1897.

HULICK, George Washington, representative, was born in Batavia, Ohio, June 29, 1833 ; son of Lott and Rhoda (Dimmitt) Hulick, and grand- son of Ezekiel Dimmitt, and of John Hulick. a captain in the Revolutionary war. He worked on his father's farm, attending public schools in the winter, and was graduated from Farmers college, Oliio, July 9, 18.55. He was in charge of Pleasant Hill academy, 1855-58, studied law, was admitted to thebarin March, 1857, atid practised in Batavia. He was school examiner for Cler- mont county, 1856-59, and was the Republican candidate for prosecuting attorney in 1858. He was married, Oct. 16, 1861. to Josephine W., daughter of Joseph H. and Elizabeth Harrison, of Cincinnati, Ohio. At the outbreak of the civil war he enlisted as a private in the 22d regi- ment, Ohio volunteer infantry, April 14, 1861 ; was appointed orderly-sergeant and promoted captain of a company, and was discharged at the expiration of his term of enlistment, Aug. 16, 1831. He was probate judge of Clermont county, 1864-67 ; was a member of the board of education of Batavia for nine years ; a delegate from Ohio to the Republican national convention of 1868 ; a Hayes and Wheeler presidential elector in 1876 and a Republican representative from the sixth district of Ohio in the 58d and 54th congresses, 1893-97.

HULL, Charles Henry, educator, was born at Ithaca, N.Y., Sept, 29, 1864 ; .son of Albert Mosley and Margaret (Visscher) Hull ; grandson of Aaron Whitlock and Lydia (Talmadge) Hull, and of Daniel and Hester (Conyne) Visscher, and a (probable) descendant of Richard Hull, a freeman of Massachusetts Bay, 1634; who went to New Haven, 1639, and died. 1662 ; and of Harmen Bastiaanse Vyssler (b. 1619 (?) d. 1693), sur- veyor of Fort Orange (Albany), N.Y. He was graduated from Cornell in 1886, and was assistant librarian there, 1886-90. He was a student at Gottingen, Halle and Berlin universities, Ger- many. 1890-92, and received the degree of Ph.D. from Halle in 1892. He was chosen assistant