Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 05.djvu/99

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he made liis home in Springfield, Mass. He painted the portraits of many distinguished men including Daniel Webster, purchased by the New- York bar association; John Randolph, purchased for the Corcoran gallery at Washington, John Quincy Adam . James Madison, John C. Cal- houn, Washington Allston, Charles Carroll of Carrolltou, and Gen. William T. Sherman. He ■wTote My Egnti><tnijn>ph>j, which was privately printed. He died in Boston. Mass., April 1, 1866.

HARDINQ, Samuel Bannister, educator, was born in Indianapolis, Ind., July 29, 1866; son of George Canady and Julia Cora (Bannister) Harding, and grandson of Jacob and Love F. (Nelson) Harding, and of Joshua and Jane (Draper) Bannister. Samuel was educated in the public schools of Indianapolis and served an ap- prenticeship in a printing office, working several years as a journeNinan compositor. He was graduated from Indiana university in 1890, and was instructor in history and geography at the Ethical Culture school. New York city, 1891-93. He was married, Sept. 15, 1890, to Caroline Hirst Brown. He was elected assistant professor of European history at Indiana university in 1895, and associate professor of history in 1898. He was a graduate student of Cornell. 1890-91, and of Har- vard, 1893-95; Morgan fellow of Harvard, 1894- 95; and received from Harvard the degree of A.M. in 1894 and that of Ph.D. in 1898. He was elected a member of the American historical as- sociation. He is the author of; ITie Contest Over the Batification of the Federal Constitution in the State of Jlassachiisetts (Harvard Historical stud- ies) (1896); and in collaboration with his wife he wrote Greek Gods, Heroes and Men (1897) and Thr Cit;/ of the Seven Hills (1898 J.

HARDINQ, William White, publisher, was born in Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 1, 1880; son of Jesper and JIaria (Wilson) Harding. His father (born in Philadelphia, Nov. 5, 1799, died Aug. 21, 1865) was publisher of the Pennsylvania In- quirer. 1829-59, and of Harding's Bible, and a manufacturer of printing paper. The son learned the book selling business with George S. Apple- ton, 1845-51, and then became associated in the business with his father. He changed the name of the paper to Philadelphia Inquirer in 1860, and enlarged the business of manufacturing paper and of making Harding's Bibles. He personally managed both the book business and the news- paper. He died in Philadelphia, Pa. , May 15, 1889.

HARDY, Arthur Sherburne, author, was born at Andover, Mass., Aug. 13, 1847; son of Alpheus and Susan Warner (Holmes) Hardy, and gi-andson of Isaac and Betsy (Eklridge) Hardy and of Charles and Susanna (White) Holmes. He was prepared for college at Phillips Andover academv, studied one A'ear at Aiaherst

college, and was graduated from the U.S. mili- tary academy at West Point in 1869, and com- missioned 2d lieutenant, 3d U.S. artillery. He remained at the academy for a short time as an instructor and then served with his regiment at Dry Tortugas, Fla., until Nov. 12, 1870, when he resigned his commis-


sion. In 1871 he was elected professor of mathematics and civil engineering in Iowa college, resign- ing in 1873 to com- plete his studies in Paris at the Ecole des Ponts et Chaus- sees. He accepted the chair of civil en- gineering at Dart- mouth in 1873 and that of mathematics and civil engineering in 1878. He was ^ ^^

appointed minister-resident and consul general to Persia in 1897 and minister plenipotentiary and envoy extraoi'dinary to Greece, Rou- mania and Servia in 1899. He was elected a fellow of the American association for the ad- vancement of science. He was married, March 9, 1898, to Grace Aspinwali, daughter of Henry C. Bowen of Brooklyn, N. Y. He received the de- gree of A.M. from Iowa college in 1873 and from Dartmouth in 1873, and that of Ph.D. from Am- herst in 1873. He is the author of: Francesca of Bimini (1878); The Geometrical Interpretation ef Imaginary Quantities, translated from the French, with notes (1880); Xeio Methods in Topographical Surveying (1886); Elements of Analytic Geometry (1889); Elements of Quaternions, and several other text-books; the following novels: But Yet a Woman (1888); The Wind of Destiny (1886); and Bose (1889), and numerous contributions to periodicals.

HARDY, Samuel, statesman, was born in Isle of Wiglit county, Va.. in 1758; son of Richard Hardy, and a direct descendant from George Hardy who rep- - , ^••

resented Isle of Wight county in the Virginia house of bur- gesses, 1642-52. Samuel was ed- ucated at Wil- liam and Mary college and be- gan the practice of law in 1781. He was a member of the executive council that year, and subse- ouently a member of the house of delegates, and
