Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 06.djvu/292

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ssudied thsology with, the Rev. Dr. Scepfa^i West at Stockbridge. iLis.. i:^:>-&2: was txito»

in. logic and. mecapiirsics at Harvard. ITSS-^ and at the same time parsaed his theological sradies. He was ordained and installed pastor of the New South, charch, Feb. 5. 1794. and served nntH ISIO, when he was ch.06en. to suc- Iceed Samuel "Webber as presi- [dent of Harvard college. Un- der his administration tbe course of studies was remod- elled and enlarged; the law- school was establMied: th.e medical school resos- ernacei and reorganized: the theological school Q^cte'l into a sepajace department with able and leamei pr>jf essc-rs and lecturers: four permanent py,;.f^«(-7^v?i;,c Ts-ere added, endow-ed and filled in t lepartment. andthesaLiries of aU

_ - - - -s-ere incna^ed: Holworth. Uni-

Trsity and Drvimtj >ia,JTs: were erected at Cam- - ' -r- - • rh.e medical college in Boston: the rirv was doubled bj the gifts of the • _- -■ 3. - - Z-eling and Warden, by

the B: from, various other re-

sources, 1:^1 '-Ir _ " - -

Kbcaries were »stit _

was obtained frijm. the . - r. i ii^i^;. sci^

cTrnt-rr — i^ bestr'^r'i:l -rnts by indi-

v: - ■ - ~ private

s- - . - . . - He re-

tired from, the presidency of Harvard university -n account of fll-health, March 2S. IS2S. He is married, Sept. 1, I'?2T, to EUzabeth, daughter

-T H.-. Getffge Cabot- In la2S he travelled

-- -Tfe throdgh the United States and. 1 - . . Europe and the Elast. He was

~: tb-^ Am-'?T^?an Academy of Arts

rhe Massachusetts

'^^ tl-r honorary

-r^ree of -^ --in 1792,

—i from ^: . _ .;._._ _ .".= . that of

D.D. from, the College of Xew Jersey in 1S»>2 and

-- - -f TJ.T). f- - ^- — -:'-'■ He^the

■ of: £■ (17991:


Geneva. y.Y.. .'

Caroline 3Ii:il . . - -^::_ ^ -j__

rei:eiveii a 1 eilucation and in 1'^'.

removed to ^=. . i_ . .^iter to central minois.

At the outbreak of the civQ. war he enterei the

social conditions of the maners, which subject he used in several of his books. He subsetjuently removed to Chicago and devoted himself to Liter- ary work. He was literary editor of the Chicago Trffmney lSSd-91. He was a member of several Ufe^ary societies in Chicago and New York, and was the first president of the Twentieth Century cinh. He published: Zury: the Meanest Man in S^primg Co!t«fy ilSS7); The McVeys (ISS^*): The^ Captain of Comjpan,!/ K 1 ISS9); The Stori/ of Chicago (with Caroline Kirkland, 5 vols., 1S92- 941: The Chicago Massacre of 13L2 (.ISSS): Among the Fbor of Chicago (lS9o). "The Captain of Com.pany K.~ was first puMished in the Detroit Free Press under the name " The Three Volun- teers." It was submitted for a com.petition and won the first prize offered of §16»30. Major Kirk- land died in Chicago. IlL, April 29. 1S94.

IGRiCL.AND, Samuel, missionary, was born in Norwich. Conn., Dec. 1, 1741; son of the Rev. Daniel KirtLini. When he became of age he restored the original spelling of the family name. He was a smient at Dr. Wheelock's scbooJ,

wtLUie L.

- the

HAMILTON 0^s. =A A w«.;£.«-t' ,' 794-.

Lebanon, Conn., and was gra.d\:.\--i: ir'zz the College of New Jersey in 176.3, al:;.;i_-.i Le Ie:t the ctillege eight months before to go as a mis- sionary among the Seneca In"'--- •^' --- '--^ laboreii. 1764-66. and on return _ one of the S-~ ■ -;-•= — -:-_. — ^^^ ...

<lainei a C' - - - at Lebanon,

Conn., in Jujie, 17->^, u^icr r_e i^nction of the Scotch Society f':'r Prr-pag^ting the Gtisjiel among - - 1766. he t<x>k up Lis 13 I- ^-: ins near Fort T, N.Y.,: unril 1769,

. r retired: . . .— dch. In the

r. of that year he was marrie<i to Jerusha

m, a niece of Dr. Eleazar Wheelock. and

-tai him. in his miseionary work am<jng the

' ' '-'. 1775, when the 'iangers of

fr 1 them to remove io St'Dck-

ILio.;. LiuTing the Revolatiin he was

- .- trying to keep the Sir Nations neatral,

-". was successful only with the Oneila.-?. the

" five having been infiuenceil to join the

iJntiah. He was made chaplain to Fort Schuyler