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Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 07.djvu/319

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the Bar Association of the City of New York in 1869 and vice-president in 1886. He was twice married: first to Louise Mott Strong, who died in 1857, and secondly, in 1861, to Cettie Moore Gwynne, younger daughter of Henry Collins Flagg, for many years mayor of New Haven, Conn. Under the pen name of Paul Siegvolk, Mr. Mathews contributed to the Knickerbocker Maga- zine, 1850-57, and later to other magazines and I^eriodicals. He is the author of: Walter Ashivood: a Love Story (1860); Incidental Protection: a Solecism (1869); A Bundle of Papers (1879); Tlioughts on the Codification of the Common Law (1881); Memorial of Bernard Roelker (1889), Ru- minations. The Ideal AmeHcan Lady, and Other Essays (1893); and A Feio Verses. He also con- tributed a series of essays for many years to the New York Home Journal.

MATHEWS, Charles Thompson, author and architect, was born in Paris, France, March 31, 1865; son of Charles Drellincourt .and Rebecca (Thompson) Mathews; grandson of William Edmund and Anna (Lorree) Mathews, and a direct descendant on the maternal side of An- thony Thonij)son of Sandwich, England, who married Dorothy Honeywood of Royton Manor and came to America in 1637; also a descendant tlirough his paternal greats-grandmother of Maj. Dirke Wesselse Ten Broeck, who came to Bever- wyck (now Albany), N.Y., in 1662, was first re- corder of the city, 1686, and mayor, 1696-98. He received his preparatory education at St. Paul's school. Concord, N.H., and in Paris and Nice. He was graduated from Yale, A.B., 1886, A.M., 1892, and from the Columbia School of Mines, Ph. B., 1889. He studied architecture in Paris, exhibited drawings at the World's Columbian Exposition, Cliicago, 1893, and was made a fellow of the American Institute of Architects. He won the competition for remodelling the Church of the Holy Trinity, 1891; introduced an innova- tion in fire-proof construction into New York which became a requirement of the building de- partment, and in 1901 won the competition for re- modelling the east end of St. Patrick's cathedral. New York, and adding a Lady chapel. This com- petition was entered into by architects from France, England, Canada and America. Mr. Mathews is the author of: The Renaissance under the Valois (1893); and The Story of Architecture (1896).

MATHEWS, Cornelius, author, was born in Portchester, N.Y., Oct. 28, 1817; son of Abijah Mathews. He was graduated from the Univer- sity of the City of New York, A.B., 1834, A.M., 1837; was admitted to the bar in 1837, but after practising for one year he abandoned the profes- sion for literature. He founded Yankee Doodle, the first successful comic paper in New York

city, and with Evert A. Duyckinck he edited

    • Arcturus: a Journal of Books and Opinion '*

(3 vols., 1841-42). He founded the Copyright club in 1843, to promote international copyright, and was its first president. He was a friend of Elizabeth Barrett Browning and the first Amer- ican editor of her works. He devoted himself to dramatic writing in 1844 and produced the com- edy, The Politicans," and the tragedy, " Witch- craft," a story of the Salem delusion, which was performed in Philadelphia and New York thea- tres in 1846, and translated into French; " Jacob Leisler," a drama, performed in Philadelphia in 1848, and "False Pretenses," a comedy. al>out 1842. He is the author of: The Motley B«o^• (1838); Behemoth: a Legend of the Mound- Builders (1839); Tlie Career of Puffer Hopkins (1842); Appeal on Behalf of International Copyright (1842); Poetns on Man in Jiis Various Aspects under the Amer- ican Republic (1842); Various Writings (1848); Big Abel and the Little Manhattan (1845); Chan- ticleer: a Tlianksgiving Story (1850); Moneypenny, or the Heart of the World (18.'>0); Witchcraft (1852); A Pen-and-ink Panorama of Xew York City (ISTiS);Tlie Indian Fairy Book (1856); The Indian Fairy Book Compiled from MS. of Henry Roioe Schoolcraft (1869); 27/e Enchanted Mocca- sins, and Other Legends of American Indiana (1877). He died in New York March 25, 1889. MATHEWS, Ferdinand Schuyler, author and artist, was born in New Brighton, Statt-n Island, N.Y., May 30, 18.54; son of Ferdinand Schuyler and Frances (CoflEin) 3Iathews, and grandson of William Edwin and Hannah Schuyler (Loree) Mathews and of William and Eliziibeth Chase (Hussey) Coffin. His ancestor, Ephraim Loree, surgeon in Colonel Dayton's regiment during tho Revolutionary war, was married to Gettie, daughter of Gertrude (Schuyler) Voorhis, a descendant of Abraham Schuyler of Albany, N.Y. William Coffin was a descendant of Tris- tram Coffin, ancestor of the Coffin family of New England.. Ferdinand S<^huyler Mathews attended the Wooster Street public school of New York city, and finally deciding on art as his vocation, studied at the Cooper institute, New York city; at a later period he studied in Rome and Naples, Italy. He began work with Russell Sturgis, architect, in New York city in 1872; entered the art department of Tiffany & Co., 1874-78. and became a si>ecial artist on the staflf of L. Prang & Co. in 1879. He removed to Bos- ton, Mass., in 1885. He was married, Nov. 17, 1886, to Carolina, daughter of Professor George W. Maynard of New York. He is the author of: The Golden Flower (1890); The Beautiful Floirer Garden (1894); Familiar Flowers of Field and G'an/en (1895); Familiar Trees and their leaves (1896, rev. ed.. 1901); Familiar Features of the