Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 07.djvu/400

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lottery from the state, and in 1896 he removed to Duluth, Minn., where he established the John Miller company, grain commission merchants.

MILLER, John Calvin, educator, was born at Apple Creek, Wayne county, Ohio, Sept. 12, 1844 ; son of Samuel and Maria Miller. During the civil war he served as a private in the 89th Indiana volunteer regiment, 1862-65. He was graduated from the University of Wooster, Ohio, A.B., 1871, A.M., 1874, and from the Union Theological seminary, N.Y., in 1874. He was ordained by the presbytery of Neosho, June 30, 1874, and was married, April 30, 1874, to Agnes Sloan. He was pastor at Garnett, Kan., 1874-78; of the Second Presbyterian church of Topeka, Kan., 1878-85; at Winfield, Kan., 1885-95. and of the First church, Newton, Kan., 1895-98, and in 1898, he was elected president of the College of Eniix)ria, Kan. The honorary degree of D.D. was conferred on him by the University of Wooster in 1893.

MILLER, John Franklin, senator, was born in Union county, Ind., Nov. 21, 1831 ; son of William Miller. His maternal grandfather. Col. John Miller (q.v.), was governor of Missouri, 1826- 82. He removed to South Bend, Ind., with

his parents in 1833 ; was fitted for col- lege ; studied law un- der Judge Egbert at South Bend, Ind. ; graduated in law at Ballston Spa, N.Y., in 1852 ; practised at South Bend, 1852-53, and San Francisco and Napa, Cal., 1853- 55, and was treas- urer of Napa coun- ty, 1853-55 ; he prac- (Lj A-^ Qza. '// ^^^^ **^ South Bend,

in the Republican campaign of 1856, and a member of the state senate, 1861. He was married in 1857 to Mary Chess. He was an aide to Governor Morton, with the rank of colonel. 1861 ; organized and was made colonel of the 29th Indiana volunteers, and joined General Rousseau in Kentucky, Oct. 10, 1861. In February, 1862, he succeeded to the command of a brigade in Buell's Army of the Ohio, and his ivgiment served in Kirk's brigade at Pittsburg r-anding, April 7, 1862. He commanded the mili- 1. 1 ry barracks at Nashville, and later the city of Xashville, Tenn., and was ordered to command tl»e 7th brigade. Negley's 8th division, at Nash- ville, in September, 1862. He distinguished him- self at the battle of Stone's River, where, in com- mand of the 3d brigade. 2d division, Thomas's center, he charged across the river and drove

Gen. John C. Breckinridge from his position. He was wounded in the neck during this engagement. He made a gallant charge in Tullahoma campaign at Liberty Gap, June 25, 1863, where he received a wound which destroyed the sight of the left eye, and the bullet was not removed until 1875. He was promoted brigadier-general of volunteers in January, 1864, for gallantry at Liberty Gap, and he commanded the Post of Nashville, made up of 8000 infantry and the garrison artillery, at the battle of Nashville, Dec. 15-16, 1864. He waa brevetted" major-general of volunteers for this battle in May, 1865, and commanded the district of Mobile in the summer of 1865. He resigned from the volunteer service in September, 1865,. declined a commission in the regular army, and practiced law in San Francisco, Cal., and was collector of the port of San Francisco, 1866-70. He gave up his legal practice in 1870 to accept the presidency of the Alaska Commercial Fur company. He was an elector on the Republican presidential ticket in 1872, 1876, and 1880 ; a member of the state constitutional convention in 1879, and U.S. senator, 1881-86. While in the senate he was chairman of the committee on foreign relations in the 48th and 49th congresses. He died in Washington, D.C., March 8, 1886.

MILLER, John Krepps, representative, was born in Mt. Vernon, Ohio, May 25, 1819 ; son (»f Elie and Eleanor G. (Krepps) Miller ; and grand- son of Jonathan and Mary (Kickmaii) Miller {in<l of John and Mary (Gillespie) Krepps, all of Brownville, Pa. He matriculated at Kenyon college. Gambler, Ohio, with the class of 1839» but transferred to Jefferson college, Canonsburg, Pa., where he was graduated in 1838. He wa* admitted to the bar in 1841, practised at Mt. Vernon, Ohio, 1841-63, and was prosecuting at- torney for Knox county, 1841-45. He was mar- ried at Wooster, Ohio, May 6, 1845, to Elizabeth Christmas, daughter of William and Susan C. Larwill of Wooster. Ohio ; their only child, Vir- ginia Larwill, married, Dec. 20, 1870, Gen. Charlea Ewing (q.v.). Mr. Miller was a Democratic representative from the eleventh Ohio district in the 30th and 31st congresses, 1847-51 ; a member of the Democratic national convention of 1844, and in 1853 declined the chief justiceship of Washington Territory. He died at Mt. Vernon, Ohio, Aug. 11, 1R63.

MILLER, Joseph Nelson, naval officer, was bom in Springfield, Ohio, Nov. 22, 1836. He was graduated at the U.S. Naval academy, after a three years' course, in 1854 ; promoted passed mid- shipman, Nov. 22, 1856 ; served as an assistant instructor at the U.S. Naval academy, 1857-68 ; was promoted master, Jan. 22, 1858 ; lieutenant, Feb. 19. 1860, was on blockading duty, 1861-62 ; was promoted lieutenant-commander, July 16„