Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 09.djvu/112

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RIDEING, William Henry, oilitor. was born in Liver|VM)l. Eii*:.. Feb. 17. Ib.^J ; son of William and Knii.ia IJitleing. Losing both parents early in boyhood, he joined relatives in Chicago, where he remained until 1870. In 1870 he procured temporary employment as secretary to Samuel Bowles, editor of the Springfield (Mass.) Jiepitb- lican, and held for long periods editorial posi- tions on the Newark ;N.J.) Joi/r;(a/and tiie Boston Jounuil. He was an assistant editor of the New York Trihune from 1871-74, and for two years (I87C>-77) was si>ecial correspondent of the New York Times with the Wheeler exploring expedi- tion. In that capacity he traveled about 4.00C miles in the saddle through the then unsettled regions of Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and Nevaila. He became associate editor of the Youth's Companion in 1881. a position which he still retained in 1903. and in 1888 was made mana- ging editor of the Xorth American Review without interrupting his relations with the Companion. He was married in March. 1887, to Margaret Elinor, daughter of C. E. and Ellen Backus of "Worcester, Mass. He is the author of : American Authors ( 1875); .-1 Saddle in the Wild West (1879) ; Tlie Alpenstock (1879); Boys Coastwise (1884); Young Folk's History of London (1884) ; A Little Upstart, a novel (1885) ; Thackeray's London (1885); Boyhood of Living Authors (ISSl); Lithe Land of Lor na Doone (1895); The Captured Cru- sa/ler (1896); Boyhood of Famous Authors (1897) ; Boys in the Mountaiiis and on the Plains; At Hawnrden icith Mr. Gladstone, and many con- tributions to perioiliials.

RIDQAWAY, Henry Bascotn, clergyman and educator, was born in Talbot county, Md., Sept. 7, 1830 ; son of James and Mary (Jump) Ridga- way, and grandson of Thomas Ridgaway and of Alumleis Jump. He was graduated from Dick- inson college, Carlisle, Pa., A.B., 1849; admitted to the Baltimore conference of the Methodist Episcopal church. 1850, and was married, Feb. 22, 1855. to Rosamond, daughter of Merritt and Rosa- mond (Cushman) Caldwell of Carlisle, Pa. He labored in Marj'land ; was pastor of High Street church, Baltimore, 1855-57 ; Portland, Maine, 1858-60 ; St. Paul's church. New York city and vicinity, and in Cincinnati, 1860-80. He was professor of historical theology in Garrett Bibli- cal institute. Evaiiston, 111.. 1882-84, and held the presidency and professorship of practical theology there from 1884 until his death. He received from Dickinson the degree of D.D. in 1868 and tliat of LL.D. in 1889. His travels in- cluded a trip to the Holy Land, 1873-74. and one around the world in which he was accompanied by his wiff. 1892-93. The first is partly described in Tlie Lord's Lund: A Xarrative of Travels in Sinai and Palestine (1876). His other publica-

tions include the biographies of : Alfred Cookman (1871); Bishop Edward S. Janes (1882); Bishop Beverly Waugh (1883); Bishojy Matthew Si mjison (1885). He died in Evanston, 111., March 30, 1895.

RIDGELEY, Charles Goodwin, naval officer, was born in Baltimore, Md., in 1784. He was wao-anted midshipman, U.S.N. . Oct. 19, 1799; served in the Tripolitan war under Preble, 1804- 05, and was the recipient of a sword and a vote of thanks for gallantry. He was commissioned lieutenant, Feb. 2, 1807 ; master commandant, Julj' 24, 1813, and captain, Feb. 28. 1815. He commanded the brig Jefferson on Lake Ontario, in 1814, and the Erie and Independence in the Mediterranean squadron, 1815-17, and served as flag officer of the West Indian squadron, 1827-30, engaged in protecting the commerce of the Uni- ted States and in suppressing piracy. He com- manded the navy yard at Brooklyn, N.Y.. 1832- 39, and was flag ofliicer, Brazil squadron, 1840-42. He died in Baltimore, Md., Feb. 8, 1848.

RIDGELY, Charles, governor of Maryland, was born in Baltimore, Md.. Dec. 6. 1760; son of John and Achsah (Ridgely) HoUiday Carman ; grandson of Charles Carman of Reading, Eng- land, and of Col. Charles Ridgely. He was baptized Charles Ridgely Carman, but was adopted by his uncle. Capt. Charles Ridgely, whose fortune he inherited in 1790. on condi- tion that he should assume his name. He was married, Oct. 17, 1782. to Priscilla. daughter of Caleb and Priscilla (Still) Dorsey of Howard county, Md. He was a member of the Mai viand senate, brigadier-general of the 11th Maryland brigade in 1794, and governor of Maryland. 1815, 1816 and 1817. He was the owner of 400 slaves, all of whom became free by the terms of his will. He died at Hampton, Baltimore county, Md.. July 17. 1829.

RIDGELY, Daniel Boone, naval officer, was born near Lexington, Ky.. Aug. 1, 1813. He was warranted miJsliipman, U.S.N. . Aj)ril 1. 1828, promoted passed midshipman, June 14. 1834. and commissioned lieutenant. Sept. 10. 1H40. He served on the sloop Albany during the Mexican war, and wit- nessed the bom- bardment and capture of Vera Cruz, and the other Mexican ports ; was at- tached to the United States naval observa- tory, Washing- ton, D.C., 1850- ^-S-^- POWHATA/>..

52 ; to the sloop Germantown in the West Indies in 1854 ; was promoted commander, Sept. 14. 1855 ;
