Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 10.djvu/19

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5. 1S16. to Jane, daughter of John Moore, and after her death in 1831. secondly, Jan. 8, 1S33. to her sister. Xancr Moore, who died. Feb. 26. ISTO. He died in Peterborough. N.H., July 3, 1865.

STEINER, Bernard Christian, educator, was born in Guilford. Conn.. Aug. 13, 1867: son of Lewis Henry and Sarah S. (Smyth) Steiner. He prepared for college at the Frederick ( ]\Id. ) acad- emy : was graduated from Yale. A.B.. 18S6. A.M., 1890 : was a fellow in history at Johns Hopkins university. 1890-91 : instructor in history in charge of that department, Williams college. 1891- 92 ; instructor in history at Johns Hopkins, 1893. and an associate from 1894, conducting under- graduate courses in European and American political and constitutional history ; dean and professor of constitutional law, Baltimore uni- versity, 1897-1900 : and in the latter year was ap- pointed dean and professor of public law in the Baltimore Law school. He also served as li- brarian of the Enoch Pratt Free library at Bal- timore from 1892. After three years" study the degree of Ph.D. was conferred upon him by Johns Hopkins. 1891. He graduated with the degree of LL.B. from the Law School of the University of Maryland. 1894. and became a member of the Baltimore bar. He is the author of : Education in Conneticid (1893) ; Education in Maryland

(1894) ; Citizenship aiid Suffi'age in Maryland

(1895) : Genealogy of the Steiner Family (1896) ; History of Guilford, Conn. (1898) ; Life of Sir Robert Eden (1898) : Institutions aiid Civil Gov- ernment of Maryland { 1899).

STEINER, Lewis Henry, physician and libra- rian, was born in Frederick, Md., May 4. 1827 ; son of Christian and Rebecca (Weltzheimer) Steiner ; grandson of Henry and Elizabeth (Brengle) Steiner. and of Dr. Lewis "Weltzheimer (wlio settled in York. Pa., about 1790) and Mar- garet (Meyer) Weltzheimer. and a descendant of Jacob Steiner. who came to Frederick, Md.. about 1730. He attended Frederick academy : was graduated from Marshall college. A.B., 1846, A. M., 1849. and from the University of Pennsyl- vania. M.D., 1849; practised in Frederick, 1849- 52 : then removed to Baltimore, where he was connected with the management of the Baltimore Medical institute. 1852-55 ; was professor of cliemistry and natural history in Columbian college. Washington. D.C.. and in the National Medical college. 1853-56. of which latter he was also dean : lecturer at the College of St. James, Md.. 1854-59: Swann lecturer in the Maryland institute at Baltimore. 185.5-56 : assisted in reor- ganizing the Maryland College of Pharmacy in 1856. serving as professor of chemistry. 1856-61 : was professor of natural science in the ^It. Wash- ington Female college, of which he was also a corporator, 1856-60, and assistant editor of the

American Medical Monthly, 1858-61. He returned to Frederick, 1861 : was an inspector of the U.S. sanitary commission, 1861-63 ; chief -inspector for the Army of the Potomac, 1863-64. and organized the public school system and was president of the county school board, 1865-68. He was married, Oct. 30. 1866, to Sarah Spencer, daughter of Ralph Dunning and Rachel Stone (Seward) Smyth of Guilford, Conn. He was a state sena- tor, 1871-S3 ; political editor of the Frederick Ex- aminer, 1878-84 : and a delegate to the Republican national convention of 1876, and to the Inter- national Medical congi-ess, 1876. He was libra- rian of the Enoch Pratt Free library of Baltimore, Md,, 1884-92, organizing the library, which was formally opened. Jan. 4. 1886 : being succeeded by his son, Bernard Christian Steiner (q.v.). He received the honorary degrees: A.M.. College of St. James, 1854. and Vale, 1869: LL.D.. Delaware college, 1884, and Litt.D., Franklin and Marshall college, 1887, serving as a trustee of the latter institution, 1869-83, and of the Hampton (Va.) Normal and Agricultural institute. 1878-92. He was a member of the Maryland Historical society, and its librarian, 1856-61 ; a founder, vice-presi- dent and president of the American Academy of Medicine, and an officer or member of various other learned and patriotic organizations. His publications include numerous German transla- tions, among them Will's •' Outlines of Chemical Analysis (1855) ; an edition of the Heidelberg '• Catechism" (1860). and several works of German fiction for the Reformed Church publication house (1865-80). He was also on the committees which prepared for that Churcli an Order of Worsliip (1866) ; a Hymn Book (1874) : and Direc- tory of Worship (1883) ; and wrote frequent con- tributions to the Reformed Quarterly and the Mercersburg Review, addresses, monographs, re- ports and lectures. He died in Baltimore, Md., Feb. 18. 1892.

STEINWEHR, Adolph Wilhelm August Friedrich, Baron von, soldier, was born in Blauk- enburg, Germany, Sept. 25, 1822. His father and grandfather were officers in the German army, and Adolph attended the military academy at Brunswick, becoming lieutenant in the army of the duchy of Brunswick in 1841. He resigned his commission in 1847. immigrated to the United States and offered his services to the government at the time of the Mexican war. A commission in the regular army was not granted him, however, and he went back to Germany, He returned to America in 1854. and settled in Wallingford, Conn. In 1861 he raised the 29th New York volunteer regiment, and commanded it at the first battle of Bull Run. July 21. 1861. where he formed part of the reserve under Gen. Dixon S. Miles. He was promoted brigadier-general, Oct.