his studies in four German universities, 1881-
85, receiving the degree of Pli.D. sunima cum
laude from Heidelberg in 1885 ; was an instructor
in German at Harvard, 1885-86 ; acting professor
of classical philologj', Cornell university, 1886-87,
professor of comparative philology, 1887-88, and
of Greek and comparative philology, 1888-99.
In 1899 he became president of the University of
California. He was for a time resident professor
of Greek in the American School of Classical
Studies at Athens, Greece, 1895-96, where he
served as a judge of the Olympian games. The
honorary degree of LL.D. was conferred upon
him by Princeton. 1896 ; by Harvard and Brown,
1900 ; by Yale, 1901, and by Johns Hopkins, 1902.
Dr. Wheeler was made a corresponding member
of the Kaiserliches Deutsches Archseologisches
Institut, and a member of the American Oriental
Society, the American Philological association,
and other organizations. He was an associate
editor for linguistics of "Johnson's Universal
Cyclopeedia," 1893-94, and of MacMillan's Diction-
ary of Philosophy and Psychology," and is the
author of : Hie Greek Xoun-accent (1883); Anal
ogy and the Scope of its Application in Language
(1887); Introduction to the Study of the History
of Language, with H. A. Strong and W. S. Loge-
man (1891) ; Organization of Higher Education in
the United States (1896); Dionysos and Immor-
tality (1899); Life of Alexander the Great (1900).
WHEELER, David Hilton, educator, was born in Ithaca, N.Y., Nov. 19, lS'-39 ; son of Solomon and Alice (Babcock) "Wheeler. He was gradu- ated from Rock River Theological seminary. Mount Morris, 111., 1851 ; was prof essor of ancient languages in Cornell college. Mount Vernon, Iowa, 1853-55, and 1859-60, and professor of Greek language and literature, 1857-59 and 1860-61. Meanwhile he se'-ved as superintendent of the public schools of Carroll county, 1855-57, and also as editor of the Carroll county Republican. He was U.S. minister to Genoa, Italy, 1861-66 ; pro- fessor of English literature in Northwestern uni- versity, Evanston, 111., 1867-75; editor of The Methodist, New York city, 1875-82, and president of Allegheny college, Meadville, Pa., 1883-88 and 1889-93. The honorary degree of D.D. was conferred upon him by Cornell college, 1867, and that of LL.D. by Northwestern university, 1881. Dr. AVheeler translated Celesia's " Conspiracy of Frischi" (1866). and is tlie author of : Brigandage in South Italy (2 vols., London, 1864); By-Ways of Literature (1883); A Sketch of J. A. Froude (1883), and Our Industrial Utopia (1895). He died at Meadville. Pa., in June, 1902.
WHEELER, Edward Jewitt, educator and editor, was born in Cleveland. Ohio, March 11, 1859 ; son of Alfred and Lydia Priscilla (Curtis) Wheeler ; grandson of Salmon and Gillen (Chip-
man) Wheeler, and of Zachariah and Sallie Cur-
tis, and a descendant of Eliliu Yale, founder of
Yale university, Capt. Jotham Curtis (of the
American Revolution), Edmund Bonner, Bishop
of London, 1540 ; and Thomas W^heeler, who came
to Concord, Mass., Oct. 6, 1635. He was gradu-
ated from Ohio Wesleyan university, Delaware,
Ohio, A.B., 1879, A.M., 1903 ; was assistant editor
of the Pittsburg Christian Advocate, 1879-83 ;
and edited TJie Voice, New York city, 1884-98 ;
became editor of TJie Literal^ Digest, New York
city in 1895 ; and was president of the Wester-
leigh Collegiate institute, 1896-1900. He was
married, Nov. 23, 1887, to Jennie Louise,
daugliter of Ferguson and Frances Jane (Mc-
Conibs) Fleming of Nashville, Tenn. He served
as president of the Prohibition Park Building
and Loan association, and as director and mem-
ber of the executive committee of the Funk and
Wagnalls Co., publishers.
WHEELER, Hoyt Henry, jurist, was born in Chesterfield, N.H., Aug. 30. 1833 ; son of John and Roxanna (Call) W'heeler ; grandson of Jonathan and Lavina (Fisk) Wheeler and of Edward and Dennis (Titus) Call ; great-grand- son of Joseph and Mary (Bigelow) Titus, who set- tled in Chesterfield in 1777, and of Peter and Olive (Davis) Wheeler, who settled in Chester- field in 1762. He attended the common schools and the academy of Chesterfield ; removed in 1849 to Newfane, Vt., where he continued his education ; taught school and studied law, 1855- 59, and was admitted to the bar in September, 1859, beginning practice in Jamacia. Vt. He was married, Oct. 24, 1861, to Minnie Louise, daughter of John and Jean (McNicoll) Maclay of Lockport, N.Y. He was a representative in the state legis- lature, 1867 ; state senator from Windham county, 1868-69 ; assistant judge of the supreme court of Vermont, 1869-77, and on March 16, 1877, became by appointment from President Hayes, U.S. district judge for the district of Ver- mont, a position he still held in 1903, making his home in Brattleboro. The honorary degree of LL.D. was conferred upon him by the University of Vermont in 1886.
WHEELER, John, educator, was born in Grafton, Vt., March 11, 1798. He removed to Orford, N.H., in 1804, and was graduated from Dartmouth, A.B., 1816, A.M., 1819. and from Andover Theological seminary in 1819. He was licensed to preach in 1819, and was ordained to the ministry of the Congregational church, Nov. 1, 1821. He was pastor at Windsor, Vt., 1833-49 ; accepted a call as president of the University of Vermont in 1833, having declined the honor in 1824. and during his presidency the college build- ings were repaired ; the instruction strengthened, and a valuable library purchased. He resigned