Page:The Book of Common Prayer.djvu/315

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303 The Order for the Visitation of the sick.

^[ When any person is sick, notice shall be given thereof to the Minister of the Parish : who, coming into the sick persons house, shall say. Peace be to this house, and to all that dwell in it ^[ When he coiheth into the sick mans presence, he shall say, kneeling down, Remember not, Lord, our iniquities, nor the iniquities of our Forefathers. Spare vs, good Lord, spare thy people, whom thou hast redeemed with thy most pretious blood, and be not angry with vs, for ever. ^[ Answer. Spare vs good Lord. ^[ Then the Minister shall say, Let vs pray. Lord have mercy vpon vs. Christ haue mercy vpon vs. Lord have mercy vpon vs. Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be don in earth, as it is in heaven. Give vs this day our daily bread. And forgive vs our trespasses, As we for- give them that trespass against vs. And lead vs not into temptation : But deliver vs from evil. Amen. ^[ Minister. O Lord save thy servant. ^[ Answer. Which putteth his trust in thee. ^f Minister. Send him help from thy holy place. ^ Answer.