Page:The Book of Common Prayer.djvu/334

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The Churching of Women.

% The Collect. O mercifull God, the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ, who is the resurrection, and the life ; in whom who- soever believeth shall live, though he die ; and who- soever liveth, and believeth in him shall not die eternally: who also hath taught vs (by his holy Apostle Saint Paul) not to be sorry, as men without hope, for them that sleep in him : We meekly be- seech thee (O Father) to raise vs from the death of sin, vnto the life of Righteousness, that when we shall depart this life, we may rest in him, as our hope is this our brother doth, and that at the generall resurrection in the last day, we may be found acceptable in thy sight, and receive that bless- ing which thy welbeloved son shall then pronounce to all that love and fear thee, saying, Come ye blessed children of my Father, receive the kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world. Grant this, we beseech thee, O mercifull Father, through Iesus Christ our Mediatour and Redeemer. Amen. The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the holy Ghost, be with vs all evermore. Amen.

The Thanksgiving of women after Childbirth,

commonly called, the Churching of Women.

^[ The Woman, at the vsual time after her delivery, shall come into the Church decently apparelled, and there shall kneel down in some convenient place, as hath been accustomed, or as the Ordinary shall direct. And then the Priest shall say vnto her. Forasmuch