Page:The Book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian, concerning the kingdoms and marvels of the East (3rd ed) Vol 1.djvu/15

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Dedication . . . iii

Note by Miss Yule . . . v

Preface to Third Edition . . . vii

Preface to Second Edition . . . xi

Original Preface . . . xxi

Original Dedication xxv

Memoir of Sir Henry Yule by Amy Frances Yule, L.A.Soc. Ant. Scot. . . . xxvii

A Bibliography of Sir Henry Yule's Writings . . . lxxv

Synopsis of Contents . . . lxxxiii

Explanatory List of Illustrations to vol. i . . . xcvii

Introductory Notices . . . 1-144

The Book of Marco Polo.


I desire to take this opportunity of recording my grateful sense of the unsparing labour, learning, and devotion, with which my father's valued friend, Professor Henri Cordier, has performed the difficult and delicate task which I entrusted to his loyal friendship.

Apart from Professor Cordier's very special qualifications for the work, I feel sure that no other Editor could have been more entirely acceptable to my father. I can give him no higher praise than to say that he has laboured in Yule's own spirit.

The slight Memoir which I have contributed (for which I accept all responsibility), attempts no more than a rough sketch of my father's character and career, but it will, I hope, serve to recall pleasantly his remarkable individuality to the few remaining who knew him in his prime, whilst it may also afford some idea of the man; and his work and environment, to those who had not that advantage.