Page:The Book of Tea.djvu/14

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Zennism emphasizes the teachings of Taoism—Through consecrated meditation may be attained supreme self-realisation—Zennism, like Taoism, is the worship of Relativity—Ideal of Teaism a result of the Zen conception of greatness in the smallest incidents of life—Taoism furnished the basis for aesthetic ideals, Zennism made them practical 47
Chapter IV. The Tea-Room
The tea-room does not pretend to be other than a mere cottage—The simplicity and purism of the tea-room—Symbolism in the construction of the tea-room—The system of its decoration—A sanctuary from the vexations of the outer world 73
Chapter V. Art Appreciation
Sympathetic communion of minds necessary for art appreciation—The secret understanding between the master and ourselves—The value of suggestion—Art is of value only to the extent that it speaks to us—No real feeling in much of the apparent enthusiasm to-day—Confusion of art with archaeology—We are destroying art in destroying the beautiful in life 103
Chapter VI. Flowers
Flowers our constant friends—The Master of Flowers—The waste of Flowers among Western communities—The art of floriculture in the East—The Tea-Masters and the Cult of Flowers—The Art of Flower Arrangement—The adoration of the Flower for its own sake
