Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 1.djvu/262

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enjoy her and rose hastily, as if vexed with me, and went away. My heart clung to her and I rose and followed in her track; but as I went along, a slave-girl accosted me, saying. ‘O my lord, my mistress would speak with thee.’ At this I was astonished, and said, ‘There is no one who knows me here.’ ‘O my lord,’ answered the slave, ‘how quickly thou hast forgotten her! My mistress is she who was to-day at the shop of the merchant Bedreddin.’ So I followed her to the money-changer’s, where I found the lady, who drew me to her side and said to me, ‘O my beloved, thou hast made prize of my heart, and love of thee has conquered my soul. Since the day I saw thee first, I have taken no delight in sleep nor in meat nor drink.’ ‘My sufferings have been still greater than thine,’ answered I; ‘and my state dispenses me from complaint.’ Then said she, ‘O my lord, shall I come to thee or wilt thou come to me?’ Quoth I, ‘I am a stranger here and have no lodging but the Khan; so by thy favour, it shall be at thy house.’ ‘It is well,’ replied she; ‘to-night is Friday eve, and nothing can be done; but to-morrow, after the morning-prayer, mount thine ass and enquire for the house of Berekat the Syndic, known as Abou Shameh, in the Hebbaniyeh quarter; for I live there; and do not delay, for I shall be expecting thee.’ At this, I rejoiced greatly and took leave of her and returned to the Khan, where I passed a sleepless night. As soon as it was day, I rose and changed my clothes and perfumed myself with essences and sweet-scented smoke. Then I took fifty dinars in a handkerchief and went out to the Zuweyleh Gate, where I hired an ass, bidding the driver carry me to the Hebbaniyeh. So he set off with me and brought me in the twinkling of an eye to a by-street called El Munkeri, where I bade him go in and enquire for the Syndic’s house. After a little he returned and said, ‘Alight.’ But I made him guide me to the house, where I dismounted and giving him a quarter-dinar, said, ‘Come