Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 2.djvu/112

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noble qualities is generosity and benevolence. How well says the poet:

By largesse and mildness the youth chief of his tribe became, And it were easy for thee to follow and do the same.

And quoth another:

In mildness stability lies and clemency wins us respect, And safety in soothfastness is for him who is soothfast and frank;
And he who would get himself praise and renown for his wealth from the folk, In the racecourse of glory must be, for munificence, first in the rank.”

And Nuzhet ez Zeman discoursed upon the policy and behaviour of kings, till the bystanders said, “Never heard we one reason of the duties of kings like this damsel! Mayhap she will favour us with discourse upon some subject other than this.” When she heard this, she said, “As for the chapter of good breeding,[1] it is wide of scope, for it is a compend of perfections. There came in one day to the Khalif Muawiyeh[2] one of his boon-companions, who spoke of the people of Irak and the goodness of their wit; and the Khalif’s wife Meisoun, mother of Yezid, heard him. So, when he was gone, she said to the Khalif, ‘O Commander of the Faithful, prithee let some of the people of Irak come in to thee and talk with them, that I may hear their discourse.’ So the Khalif said to his attendants, ‘Who is at the door?’ And they answered, ‘The Benou Temim.’ ‘Let them come in,’ said he. So they came in and with them Ahnaf ben Caïs.[3] Now Muawiyeh had drawn a curtain between himself and Meisoun, that she might hear what they said without being seen herself;

  1. The word rendered “good breeding” may also be translated “polite accomplishments” or “mental discipline” and has a great number of other meanings.
  2. Sixth Khalif and founder of the Ommiade dynasty (A.H. 41–60).
  3. One of the most notable men of the day, chief of the great tribe of the Benou Temim. He was a contemporary of the Prophet and was held in much esteem by Muawiyeh.