Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 2.djvu/149

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better than perseverance in error. Then he should study the precedents and the law of the case and do equal justice between the suitors, fixing his eye upon the truth and committing his affair to God, to whom belong might and majesty. Let him require proof of the complainant, and if he adduce it, let him put the defendant to his oath; for this is the ordinance of God. He should receive the testimony of competent Muslim witnesses, one against another, for God the Most High hath commanded judges to judge by externals, He Himself taking charge of the secret things. It behoves the judge also to avoid giving judgment, whilst suffering from stress of pain or hunger, and that in his decisions between the folk he seek to please God, for he whose intent is pure and who is at peace with his conscience, God shall guarantee him against what is between him and the people. Quoth Ez Zuhri,[1] “There are three things, which if they be found in a Cadi, he should be deposed; namely, if he honour the base, love praise and fear dismissal.” It is related that Omar ben Abdulaziz once deposed a Cadi, who asked him why he had done so. “It has come to my knowledge,” replied Omar, “that thy speech is greater than thy condition.” It is said also that Iskender[2] said to his Cadi, “I have invested thee with this function and committed to thee in it my soul and my honour and manhood; so do thou guard it with thy soul and thine understanding.” To his cook he said, “Thou art the governor of my body; so look thou tender it.” To his secretary he said, “Thou art the controller of my wit: so do thou watch over me in what thou writest for me.”’

Night lxxx.With this the first damsel retired and a second one came forward and kissing the earth seven times before the King

  1. Mohammed Ibn Shihab ez Zuhri, a celebrated Traditionist and jurisconsult of Medina in the seventh and eighth centuries.
  2. Alexander.