Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 2.djvu/208

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miracles! Without doubt he is of the elect.” “By Allah,” said Zoulmekan, “I think the infidels must be blind, for we see them, and they see us not.” Whilst they were thus praising the holy man and recounting his virtues, behold, the infidels fell upon them from all sides and seized them, saying, “Is there any one else with you, that we may seize upon him?” Quoth Dendan, “See ye not yon other man that is before us?” “By the Messiah and the Monks and the Primate and the Metropolitan,” replied they, “we see none but you!” And Zoulmekan said, “By Allah, this is a chastisement decreed to us by God!” Night xcviii.Then the Christians laid shackles on their feet and set men to guard them during the night, whilst Dhat ed Dewahi fared on and disappeared from their sight. So they fell to lamenting and said, “Verily, the gainsaying of pious men leads to greater stress than this, and we are punished by the strait into which we have fallen.”

Meanwhile, Sherkan passed the night in the cavern with his companions, and when the day broke, he arose and prayed the morning-prayer. Then he and his men made ready to do battle with the infidels, and he encouraged them and promised them all good. Then they sallied out against the Christians, who cried out to them from afar as soon as they saw them, saying, “O Muslims, we have taken your Sultan and your Vizier that has the ordering of your affairs; and except ye leave fighting us, we will slay you to the last man, but if ye yield to us, we will take you to our king, who will make peace with you, on condition that you leave our country and return to your own land and do us no harm, and we will do you no harm. If you accept, it will be well for you; but if you refuse, you have nothing to hope for but death. So now we have told you, and this is our last word to you.” When Sherkan heard this and was certified of the captivity of his brother and the Vizier Dendan, he was greatly troubled and wept; his strength