Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 2.djvu/232

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she drew the knife across his throat and cut off his head. After this, she went up to the sleeping servants and cut off their heads also, lest they should awake. Then she left the tent and made for the Sultan’s pavilion, but finding the guards awake, turned to that of the Vizier. He was reading the Koran and seeing her, said, “Welcome, O holy man!” When she heard this, her heart trembled and she said, “The reason of my coming hither at this time is that I heard the voice of a friend of God and am going to him.” Then she went away, but the Vizier said to himself, “By Allah, I will follow the holy man to-night!” So he rose and went after her: but the accursed old woman heard his footsteps and knew that he was following her: wherefore she feared discovery and said in herself, “Except I put him off with some trick, he will discover me.” So she turned and said to him from afar, “Harkye, Vizier, I am going after this saint, that I may know who he is; and after I will ask his leave for thee to join him. Then I will come back and tell thee; for I fear to let thee accompany me, without his leave, lest he take umbrage at seeing thee with me.” When the Vizier heard this, he was abashed and knew not what to answer; so he left her and returning to his tent, would have slept; but sleep was not favourable to him and the world was straitened upon him. So he rose and went out, saying in himself, “I will go talk with Sherkan till the morning.” But when he came to Sherkan’s tent, he found the blood running like a rivulet and saw the servants lying dead. At this he gave a cry that aroused all who were asleep, and they hastened to him and seeing the blood streaming, set up a clamour of weeping and lamentation. The noise awoke the Sultan, who enquired what was the matter, and they said to him, “Sherkan and his servants are murdered.” So he rose in haste and entering the tent, saw his brother’s headless trunk and the Vizier by it shrieking aloud. At this sight, he swooned away and all