Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 2.djvu/278

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me somewhat for thee and made me swear that I would not give it to thee, till I should see thee weeping for her and lamenting her death. The thing is with me, and when I see thee as I have said, I will give it to thee.” “Show it me,” quoth I: but she would not. Then I gave myself up to my pleasures and thought no more of my cousin’s death; for I was light-witted and would fain have been with my beloved day and night. So hardly had the night fallen, when I betook myself to the garden, where I found the lady sitting on coals of fire, for much waiting. As soon as she saw me, she ran to me and throwing her arms about my neck, enquired of my cousin. “She is dead,” replied I; “and we have caused litanies and recitations of the Koran to be performed for her; and it is now four nights since she died.” When she heard this, she shrieked aloud and wept, saying, “Did I not tell thee that thou hadst slain her? Hadst thou let me know of her before her death, I would have requited her the kindness she did me, in that she served me and brought thee to me; for but for her, we had never come together; and I fear lest some calamity befall thee by reason of thy sin against her.” Quoth I, “She acquitted me before she died.” And I repeated to her what my mother had told me. “God on thee,” rejoined she, “when thou returnest to thy mother, learn what it is she hath for thee.” Quoth I, “My mother also said to me, ‘Before thy cousin died, she laid a charge upon me, saying, “When thy son is about to go whither of wont, teach him these two words, ‘Faith is fair and perfidy foul.’”  When my mistress heard this, she exclaimed, “The mercy of God the Most High be upon her! Indeed, she hath delivered thee from me, for I had it in mind to do thee a mischief, but now I will not hurt thee nor trouble thee.” I wondered at this and said to her, “What then didst thou purpose to do with me, and we lovers?” Quoth she, “Thou art infatuated with me; for thou art young and