Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 2.djvu/336

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her that her lover was the son of King Suleiman Shah and sought her to wife and that the marriage waited only for her consent; whereat she smiled and said, ‘Did I not tell thee that he was a king’s son? By Allah, I must let him crucify thee on a piece of wood worth two dirhems!’ ‘O my daughter,’ answered the King, ‘have mercy on me, so may God have mercy on thee!’ ‘Harkye,’ rejoined she, ‘make haste and bring him to me without delay.’ The King replied, ‘On my head and eyes be it,’ and returning in haste to Taj el Mulouk, repeated her words in his ear. So he arose and accompanied the King to the princess, who caught hold of him and embraced him in her father’s presence and kissed him, saying, ‘Thou hast made me a weary woman!’ Then she turned to her father and said to him, ‘Sawst thou ever any do hurt to the like of this fair creature, more by token that he is a king, the son of a king, and of the free-born, guarded against abominations?’ Therewith Shehriman went out and shutting the door on them with his own hand, returned to the Vizier and the other envoys and bade them report to their King that his son was in health and gladness and enjoying all delight of life with his beloved. So they returned to King Suleiman and acquainted him with this, whereat he rejoiced and exclaimed, ‘Praised be God who hath brought my son to his desire!’

Meanwhile, King Shehriman despatched largesse of money and victual to King Suleiman’s troops, and choosing out a hundred coursers and a hundred dromedaries and a hundred white slaves and a hundred concubines and a hundred black slaves and a hundred female slaves, sent them all to the King as a present. Then he took horse, with his grandees and chief officers, and rode out of the city in the direction of King Suleiman’s camp. As soon as the latter knew of his approach, he rose and advancing some paces to meet him, took him in his arms and made