Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 2.djvu/346

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for the Holy War, summoned the Vizier Dendan and said to him, “Know that I am minded to do a thing, which I will discover to thee, and do thou with speed return me an answer thereon.” “What is that, O King of the age?” asked the Vizier. “I am resolved,” said the King, “to make my son Kanmakan king and rejoice in him in my lifetime and do battle before him, till death overcome me. What deemest thou of this?” The Vizier kissed the earth before the King and replied, “O King and Sultan, lord of the age and the time, this that is in thy mind is indeed good, save that it is now no time to carry it out, for two reasons: the first, that thy son Kanmakan is yet of tender age; and the second, that it is of wont that he who makes his son king in his lifetime, lives but a little thereafterward.” “Know, O Vizier,” rejoined the King, “that we will make the Grand Chamberlain guardian over him, for he is art and part of us and he married my sister, so that he is to me as a brother.” Quoth the Vizier, “Do what seemeth good to thee: we will obey thine orders.” Then the King sent for the Grand Chamberlain and the grandees of the kingdom and said to them, “Ye know that this my son Kanmakan is the first cavalier of the age and that he hath no peer in jousting and martial exercises; and now I appoint him to be Sultan over you in my stead and I make his uncle, the Grand Chamberlain, guardian over him.” “O King of the age,” replied the Chamberlain, “I am but an offset of thy bounty.” And the King said, “O Chamberlain, verily this my son Kanmakan and my niece Kuzia Fekan are brothers’ children; so I marry them one to the other and I call those present to witness thereof.” Then he made over to his son such treasures as beggar description and going in to his sister Nuzhet ez Zeman told her what he had done, whereat she rejoiced greatly and said, “Verily, they are both my children. May God preserve thee to them many a year!” “O my sister,”