Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 2.djvu/38

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of thy favour.” She laughed and said, “I grant thee this: but these damsels have been long bound and their arms and shoulders are weary, and it were fitting I should loose them, since this next bout may peradventure be a long one.” Then she went up to the girls and unbinding them, said to them in the Greek tongue, “Go and put yourselves in safety, till I have brought to nought this Muslim’s craving for you.” So they went away, whilst Sherkan looked at them and they gazed at him and the young lady. Then she and he drew near again and set breast against breast; but, when he felt her belly against his, his strength failed him, and she feeling this, lifted him in her hands, swiftlier than the blinding lightning, and threw him to the ground. He fell on his back, and she said to him, “Rise, I give thee thy life a second time. I spared thee before for the sake of thy prophet, for that he forbade the killing of women, and I do so this second time because of thy weakness and tender age and strangerhood; but I charge thee, if there be, in the army sent by King Omar ben Ennuman to the succour of the King of Constantinople, a stronger than thou, send him hither and tell him of me, for in wrestling there are divers kinds of strokes and tricks, such as feinting and the fore-hipe and the back-hipe and the leg-crick and the thigh-twist and the jostle and the cross-buttock.” “By Allah, O my lady,” replied Sherkan, (and indeed he was greatly incensed against her), “were I the chief Es Sefedi[1] or Mohammed Caimal[1] or Ibn es Seddi,[1] I had not observed the fashion thou namest; for, by Allah, it was not by thy strength that thou overthrewest me, but by filling me with the desire of thy buttocks, because we people of Chaldæa love great thighs, so that nor wit nor foresight was left in me. But now if thou have a mind to try another fall with me, with my wits about me, I have a right to this one bout more, by the rules of the

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Apparently the names of noted wrestlers.