Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 2.djvu/381

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befall, for they saw that the most part of the army was with the Vizier Dendan. Presently, the news of these things came to Kuzia Fekan and caused her much concern; so that she sent for the old woman, who was wont to carry messages between her and her cousin, and bade her go to him and warn him of the plot against his life. Accordingly, she repaired to Kanmakan and gave him the princess’s message, to which he replied, “Bear my cousin my salutation and say to her, ‘The earth is God’s (to whom belong might and majesty), and He maketh whom He willeth of His servants to inherit it. How excellent is the saying of the poet:

The kingship is God’s alone, and him who would fain fulfil His wishes He driveth away and maketh him rue for his ill.
Had I or another than I a handsbreadth of earth to my own, The Godship were sundered in twain and two were the Power and the Will.’”

The old woman returned to Kuzia Fekan with Kanmakan’s reply and told her that he abode in the city. Meanwhile, King Sasan awaited his going forth from Baghdad, that he might send after him and kill him; till, one day, it befell that Kanmakan went out to hunt, accompanied by Subbah, who would not leave him day or night. He caught ten gazelles and among them one that had soft black eyes and turned right and left; so he let her go, and Subbah said to him, “Why didst thou let her go?” Kanmakan laughed and set the others free also, saying, “It behoves us, of humanity, to release gazelles that have young, and this one only turned from side to side, to look for her young ones: so I let her go and released the others in her honour.” Quoth Subbah, “Do thou release me, that I may go to my people.” At this Kanmakan laughed and smote him on the breast with the butt of his spear, and he fell to the ground, writhing like a serpent. Whilst they were thus occupied, they saw a cloud of dust and heard the tramp of horse; and presently