Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 2.djvu/52

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we assured that this was Sherkan and did we know that it was he beyond doubt, it would suit ill with my honour that I should deliver into your hands one who hath come under my safeguard. Betray me not, therefore, in the person of my guest, neither bring me into ill repute among men; but return to the King my father and kiss the earth before him and tell him that the case is not according to the report of the lady Dhat ed Dewahi.” “O Abrizeh,” replied the knight Masoureh, “I cannot go back to the King without his enemy.” Quoth she (and indeed she was angry), “Out on thee! Return to him with the answer, and no blame shall fall on thee.” But he said, “I will not return without him.” At this her colour changed and she exclaimed, “A truce to talk and idle words; for of a verity this man would not have come in to us, except he were assured that he could of himself make head against a hundred horse; and if I said to him, ‘Art thou Sherkan, son of King Omar ben Ennuman?’ he would answer, ‘Yes.’ Nathless, it is not in your power to hinder him; for if ye beset him, he will not turn back from you, till he have slain all that are in the place. Behold, he is with me and I will bring him before you, with his sword and buckler in his hands.” “If I be safe from thy wrath,” replied Masoureh, “I am not safe from that of thy father, and when I see him, I shall sign to the knights to take him prisoner, and we will carry him, bound and abject, to the King.” When she heard this, she said, “The thing shall not pass thus, for it would be a disgrace. This man is but one and ye are a hundred. So, an ye be minded to attack him, come out against him, one after one, that it may appear to the King which is the valiant amongst you.” Night l.“By the Messiah,” rejoined Masoureh, “thou sayest sooth, and none but I shall go out against him first!” Then she said, “Wait till I go to him and tell him and hear what he says. If he consent, it is well but if he refuse, ye shall not anywise come at