Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 3.djvu/165

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both of you shall be at my hand.’ When Kemerezzeman heard this, his life returned to him and he took heart and courage and signed to his father to help him sit up; at which the King was like to lose his reason for joy and lifting him up, set two pillows for him to lean upon. Then, of his fear for his son, he shook the handkerchief of dismissal and all the Amirs and Viziers withdrew; after which he bade perfume the palace with saffron and decorate the city, saying to Merzewan, ‘By Allah, O my son, thou hast a lucky and a blessed aspect!’ And he made much of him and called for food, which when they brought, Merzewan said to the prince, ‘Come, eat with me.’ So he obeyed him and ate with him, while the King called down blessings on Merzewan and said, ‘How auspicious is thy coming, O my son!’ When he saw Kemerezzeman eat, his joy redoubled and he went out and told the prince’s mother and the people of the palace. Then he let call abroad the good news of the prince’s recovery and proclaimed the decoration of the city: so the people rejoiced and decorated the city Night cxcix.and it was a day of high festival. Merzewan passed the night with Kemerezzeman, and the King also slept with them, in the excess of his joy for his son’s recovery. Next morning, when the King had gone away and the two young men were left alone, Kemerezzeman told Merzewan his story from first to last and the latter said to him, ‘I know her with whom thou didst foregather; her name is the princess Budour and she is daughter to King Ghaïour.’ Then he told him all that had befallen the princess and acquainted him with the excessive love she bore him, saying, ‘All that befell thee with thy father hath befallen her with hers, and thou art without doubt her beloved, even as she is thine; so brace up thy resolution and take heart, for I will bring thee to her and unite you both anon and deal with you even as saith the poet: