Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 3.djvu/193

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on to my father’s country or whether there befell her any accident by the way.’ And he repeated the following verses:

Love in my breast they lit and passed away forthright: Far distant is the land that holds my soul’s delight.
Far, far from me the camp and those that dwell therein; No visitation-place again shall us unite.
Patience and reason fled from me, when they fared forth; Sleep failed me and despair o’ercame me, like a blight.
They left me, and with them departed all my joy; Tranquillity and peace with them have taken flight.
They made mine eyes run down with tears of love laid waste; My lids for lack of them brim over day and night.
Whenas my sad soul longs to see them once again And waiting and desire are heavy on my spright,
Midmost my heart of hearts their images I trace, Love and desireful pain and yearning for their sight.

Then he told the gardener what he had seen pass between the birds, whereat he wondered; and they both lay down and slept till the morning. The gardener awoke sick and abode thus two days; but on the third day, his sickness increased on him, till they despaired of his life and Kemerezzeman grieved sore for him. Meanwhile, the captain and sailors came and enquired for the gardener. Kemerezzeman told them that he was sick, and they said, ‘Where is the young man that is minded to go with us to the Ebony Islands?’ ‘He is your servant,’ answered the prince and bade them carry the jars of olives to the ship. So they transported them to the ship, saying, ‘Make haste, for the wind is fair;’ and he answered, ‘I hear and obey.’ Then he carried his victual on board and returning, to bid the gardener farewell, found him in the agonies of death. So he sat down at his head and closed his eyes, and his soul departed his body; whereupon he laid him out and committed him to the earth to the mercy of God the Most High. Then he went down to the port, to embark, but