Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 3.djvu/236

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claiming aloud Behadir’s sentence and bidding the people to his hanging at midday; whereat he wept and exclaimed, ‘Verily, we are God’s and to Him we return! He means to sacrifice himself unjustly for my sake, when it was I killed her. By Allah, this shall never be!’ Then he went out and shutting the door after him, hurried through the streets, till he overtook Behadir, when he accosted the chief of the police and said to him, ‘O my lord, put not Behadir to death, for he is innocent. By Allah, none killed her but I.’ When the Master of the Police heard this, he took them both and carrying them before the King, told him what Amjed had said; whereupon he looked at the prince and said to him, ‘Didst thou kill the young lady?’ ‘Yes,’ answered he, and the King said, ‘Tell me why thou killedst her, and speak the truth.’ ‘O King,’ replied Amjed, ‘indeed, it is a rare event and a strange matter that hath befallen me: were it graven with needles on the corners of the eye, it would serve as a lesson to whoso can profit by admonition.’ Then he told him his whole story and all that had befallen him and his brother, first and last; whereat the King wondered greatly and said to him, ‘O youth, I know thee now to be excusable. Wilt thou be my Vizier?’ ‘I hear and obey,’ answered Amjed; whereupon the King bestowed magnificent dresses of honour on him and Behadir and gave him a handsome house, with servants and officers and all things needful, appointing him stipends and allowances and bidding him make search for his brother Asaad. So Amjed sat down in the seat of office and governed and did justice and invested and deposed and gave and took. Moreover, he sent out a crier to cry his brother throughout the city, and he made proclamation in the streets and markets many days, but heard no news of Asaad nor happened on any trace of him.

Meanwhile, the Magians ceased not to torture Asaad, night and day, for a whole year’s space, till the day of