Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 3.djvu/252

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said to her mother-in-law, “O my lady, ask my master to let us go, thee and me, one day, with this my old mother, to pray and worship with the fakirs in the Holy Places.” Presently, Nimeh came in and sat down, whereupon the old woman went up to him and would have kissed his hand, but he forbade her; so she called down blessings on him and left the house. Next day, she came again, in the absence of Nimeh, and said to Num, “We prayed for thee yesterday; but arise now and divert thyself and return ere thy lord come home.” So Num said to her mother-in-law, “I beseech thee, for God’s sake, let me go with this pious woman, that I may look upon the friends of God in the Holy Places and return speedily, ere my lord come.” Quoth Nimeh’s mother, “I fear lest thy lord know.” “By Allah,” said the old woman, “I will not let her sit down; but she shall look, standing on her feet, and not tarry.” So on this wise she took the damsel by guile and carrying her to El Hejjaj’s palace, bestowed her in a privy chamber and told him of her coming; whereupon he went in to her and looking upon her, saw her to be the loveliest of the people of the day, never had he beheld her like. When Num saw him, she veiled her face from him; but he left her not till he had called his chamberlain, whom he commanded to take fifty horsemen and mounting the damsel on a swift dromedary, carry her to Damascus and there deliver her to the Commander of the Faithful, Abdulmelik ben Merwan. Moreover, he gave him a letter for the Khalif, saying, “Bear him this letter and bring me his answer in all haste.” So the chamberlain took the damsel, all tearful for separation from her lord, and setting out with her for Syria, gave not over journeying till he reached Damascus and sought an audience of the Commander of the Faithful, to whom he delivered the damsel and the letter. The Khalif appointed her a separate apartment and going into his harem, said to his wife,