Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 3.djvu/287

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company with Mehmoud, Night ccliv.who charged the youth’s cook to dress nothing for him, but himself provided him and his company with meat and drink. Now he had four houses, one at Cairo, another at Damascus, a third at Aleppo and a fourth at Baghdad. So they set out and journeyed over deserts and plains, till they drew near Damascus, when Mehmoud sent his servant to Alaeddin, whom he found reading. He went up to him and kissed his hands, and Alaeddin asked him what he sought. ‘My master salutes thee,’ answered the slave, ‘and craves thy company to a banquet in his house.’ Quoth the youth, ‘I must consult my father Kemaleddin, the captain of the caravan.’ So he consulted the muleteer, who said, ‘Do not go.’ Then they left Damascus and journeyed on till they came to Aleppo, where Mehmoud made a second entertainment and sent to bid Alaeddin; but the muleteer again forbade him. Then they departed Aleppo and fared on, till they came within a day’s journey of Baghdad. Here Mehmoud repeated his invitation a third time and Kemaleddin once more forbade Alaeddin to accept it; but the latter said, ‘I must needs go.’ So he rose and girding on a sword under his clothes, repaired to the tent of Mehmoud of Balkh, who came to meet him and saluted him. Then he set a sumptuous repast before him, and they ate and drank and washed their hands. Presently, Mehmoud bent towards Alaeddin, to kiss him, but the youth received the kiss on his hand and said to him, ‘What wilt thou do?’ Quoth Mehmoud, ‘I brought thee hither that I might do delight with thee in this jousting-ground, and we will comment the words of him who saith:

Can’t be thou wilt with us a momentling alight, Like to an ewekin’s milk or what not else of white,
And cat what liketh thee of dainty wastel-bread And take what thou mayst get of silver small and bright
And bear off what thou wilt, sans grudging or constraint, Spanling or full-told span or fistling filled outright?’