Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 3.djvu/313

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night, he had a dream of dalliance in sleep and told his mother, who rejoiced and told his father, saying, ‘Fain would I find him a wife, for he is now apt for marriage.’ Quoth Khalid, ‘He is so foul of favour and withal so evil of odour, so sordid and churlish, that no woman would accept of him.’ And she answered, ‘We will buy him a slave-girl.’ So it befell, for the accomplishment of that which God the Most High had decreed, that the Amir and his son went down, on the same day as Jaafer and Alaeddin, to the market, where they saw a beautiful girl, full of grace and symmetry, in the hands of a broker, and the Vizier said to the latter, ‘O broker, ask her owner if he will take a thousand dinars for her.’ The broker passed by the Amir and his son with the slave and Hebezlem took one look of her, that cost him a thousand sighs; and he fell passionately in love with her and said, ‘O my father, buy me yonder slave-girl.’ So the Amir called the broker, who brought the girl to him, and asked her her name. ‘My name is Jessamine,’ replied she; and he said to Hebezlem, ‘O my son, an she please thee, bid for her.’ Then he asked the broker what had been bidden for her and he replied, ‘A thousand dinars.’ ‘She is mine for a thousand and one,’ said Hebezlem, and the broker passed on to Alaeddin, who bid two thousand dinars for her; and as often as Hebezlem bid another dinar, Alaeddin bid a thousand. The Amir’s son was vexed at this and said to the broker, ‘Who is it that bids against me for the slave-girl?’ ‘It is the Vizier Jaafer,’ answered the broker, ‘who is minded to buy her for Alaeddin Abou esh Shamat.’ Alaeddin continued to bid for her till he brought her price up to ten thousand dinars, and her owner sold her to him for that sum. So he took the girl and said to her, ‘I give thee thy freedom for the love of God the Most High.’ Then he married her and carried her to his house. When the broker returned, after having delivered the girl and