Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 3.djvu/66

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Two eyes she hath, quoth God Most High, “Be,” and forthright they were; They work as wine upon the hearts of those whom they ensue.
Add to my passion, love of her, each night; and, solacement Of loves, the Resurrection be thy day of rendezvous!

The lady alighted at Aboulhusn’s shop and sitting down there, saluted him, and he returned her salute. When Ali ben Bekkar saw her, she ravished his understanding and he rose to go away; but she said to him, ‘Sit in thy place. We came to thee and thou goest away: this is not fair.’ ‘O my lady,’ answered he, ‘by Allah, I flee from what I see; for the tongue of the case saith:

She’s the sun and her dwelling’s in heaven on high; Look, then, to thine heart thou fair patience commend.
Thou mayst not climb up to her place in the sky, Nor may she to thee from her heaven descend.’

When she heard this, she smiled and said to Aboulhusn, ‘What is the name of this young man?’ ‘He is a stranger,’ answered he. ‘What countryman is he?’ asked she, and the merchant replied, ‘He is a descendant of the (ancient) kings of Persia; his name is Ali ben Bekkar, and indeed it behoves us to use strangers with honour.’ ‘When my damsel comes to thee,’ rejoined she, ‘come thou at once to us and bring him with thee, that we may entertain him in our abode, lest he blame us and say, “There is no hospitality in the people of Baghdad:” for niggardliness is the worst fault that a man can have. Thou hearest what I say to thee and if thou disobey me, thou wilt incur my displeasure and I will never again visit thee or salute thee.’ ‘On my head and eyes,’ answered Aboulhusn; ‘God preserve me from thy displeasure, fair lady!’ Then she rose and went away, leaving Ali ben Bekkar in a state of bewilderment. Presently, the damsel came and said to the merchant, ‘O my lord Aboulhusn, my lady Shemsennehar, the favourite of the Commander of the Faithful Haroun er