Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 4.djvu/101

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for the chase. His officers entreated me with the utmost honour and hospitality; but I said in myself, “By Allah, it is a strange thing that I should have used so long to come from Baghdad to Bassora, yet know no more of the town than from the palace to the garden and back again! When shall I find an occasion like this to view the different parts of Bassora? I will rise at once and walk forth alone and divert myself and digest what I have eaten.”

So I donned my richest clothes and went out a-walking in Bassora. Now it is known to thee, O Commander of the Faithful, that it hath seventy streets, each seventy parasangs long of Irak measure; and I lost myself in its by-streets and thirst overcame me. Presently, as I went along, I came to a great door, on which were two rings of brass, with curtains of red brocade drawn before it. Over the door was a trellis, covered with a creeping vine, that hung down and shaded the doorway; and on either side the porch was a stone bench. I stood still, to gaze upon the place, and presently heard a sorrowful voice, proceeding from a mourning heart, warbling melodiously and chanting the following verses:

My body is become th’ abode of sickness and dismay, By reason of a fawn, whose land and stead are far away.
O zephyr of the waste, that roused my pain in me, I pray, By God your Lord, to him, with whom my heart dwells, take your way
And prithee chide him, so reproach may soften him, maybe.
And if to you he do incline and hearken, then make fair Your speech and tidings unto him of lovers, ’twixt you, bear.
Yea, and vouchsafe to favour me with service debonair And unto him I love make known my case and my despair,
Saying, “What ails thy bounden slave that, for estrangement, she
Should die without offence of her committed or despite Or disobedience or breach of plighted faith or slight
Or fraud or turning of her heart to other or unright?” And if he smile, with dulcet speech bespeak ye thus the wight:
“An thou thy company wouldst grant to her, ’twere well of thee;