Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 4.djvu/123

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And a fifth:

I love not white women, with fat blown out and overlaid; The girl of all girls for me is the slender dusky maid.
Let others the elephant mount, if it like them; as for me, I’ll ride but the fine-trained colt on the day of the cavalcade.

And a sixth:

My loved one came to me by night And we did clip and interlace
And lay together through the dark; But, lo, the morning broke apace.
To God, my Lord, I pray that He Will reunite us of His grace
And make night last to me, what while I hold my love in my embrace.

Were I to set forth all the praise of blackness, I should be tedious; but little and enough is better than great plenty and too much. As for thee, O blonde, thy colour is that of leprosy and thine embrace is suffocation; and it is of report that frost and intense cold[1] are in Hell for the torment of the wicked. Again, of black things is ink, wherewith is written the word of God; and were it not for black ambergris and black musk, there would be no perfumes to carry to kings. How many glories are there not in blackness and how well saith the poet:

Dost thou not see that musk, indeed, is worth its weight in gold, Whilst for a dirhem and no more a load of lime is sold?
Black eyes cast arrows at men’s hearts; but whiteness of the eyes, In man, is judged of all to be unsightly to behold.”

“It sufficeth,” said her master. “Sit down.” So she sat down and he signed to the fat girl, Night cccxxxvi who rose and pointing at the slim girl, uncovered her arms and legs and bared her stomach, showing its creases and the roundness of her navel. Then she donned a shift of fine stuff, that showed her whole body, and said, “Praised be God who created me, for that He beautified my face and made me fat and fair and likened me to branches laden with fruit and bestowed upon me abounding beauty and brightness; and praised be He no less, for that He hath

  1. The distinctive colour of which is white.