Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 4.djvu/232

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‘By Allah,’ exclaimed the King, ‘ye are, indeed, a pair of true lovers and in the heaven of beauty two shining stars! Your story is marvellous and your case extraordinary.’ Then he told him all that had befallen Rose-in-bud; and Uns el Wujoud said, ‘Where is she, O King of the age?’ ‘She is with me now,’ answered Dirbas and sending for the Cadi and the witnesses, drew up the contract of marriage between her and him. Then he loaded Uns el Wujoud with favours and bounties and sent to King Shamikh, advising him of what had befallen, whereat the latter rejoiced with an exceeding joy and wrote back to him, saying, ‘Since the marriage contract hath been drawn up at thy court! it behoves that the wedding and consummation be at mine.’ And he made ready camels and horses and men and sent them in quest of the lovers.

When the embassy reached King Dirbas, he gave the pair great store of treasure and despatched them to King Shamikh’s court with an escort of his own troops. The day of their arrival was a notable day, never was seen a greater; for the King assembled all the singers and players on instruments of music and made banquets and held high festival seven days; and on each day he gave largesse to the folk and bestowed on them sumptuous dresses of honour. Then Uns el Wujoud went in to Rose-in-bud, and they embraced and sat weeping for excess of joy and gladness, whilst she recited the following verses:

Gladness is come, dispelling grief and putting care aside; We are united now and have our enviers mortified.
The fragrant breeze of union blows fresh and sweet for us, Whereby our bodies, vitals, hearts are all revivified.
The splendour of fulfilled delight in all its glory shines, And for glad tidings beat the drums about us far and wide.
Think not we weep for stress of grief or for affliction; nay, It is for joy our tears flow down and will not be denied.