Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 4.djvu/263

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be told; especially those of Yehya ben Khalid, for he abounded in noble qualities, even as saith the poet of him:

I asked munificence, “Art free?” It answered, “No, perdie! Yehya ben Khalid’s slave am I; my lord and master he.”
“A boughten slave?” asked I; but, “Nay, so heaven forfend!” quoth it. “From ancestor to ancestor he did inherit me.”


Jaafer ben Mousa el Hadi[1] once had a slave-girl, a lute-player, called El Bedr el Kebir, than whom there was not in her time a fairer of face nor a better-shaped nor a more elegant of manners nor a more accomplished in singing and smiting the strings; she was indeed perfect in beauty and charm. Mohammed el Amin,[2] son of Zubeideh, heard of her and was instant with Jaafer to sell her to him; but he replied, ‘Thou knowest it beseems not one of my rank to sell slave-girls nor traffic in concubines; but, were it not that she was reared in my house, I would send her to thee, as a gift, nor grudge her to thee.’

Some days after this, El Amin went to Jaafer’s house, to make merry; and the latter set before him that which it behoves to set before friends and bade El Bedr sing to him and gladden him. So she tuned the lute and sang right ravishingly, whilst El Amin fell to drinking and making merry and bade the cupbearers ply Jaafer with wine, till he became drunken, when he took the damsel and carried her to his own house, but laid not a finger on her. On the morrow, he sent to invite Jaafer; and when he came, he set wine before him and bade the girl sing to him, from behind the curtain. Jaafer knew her voice and was angered at this, but, of the nobleness of his nature and the great-

  1. First cousin of Haroun er Reshid.
  2. Son and successor of Er Reshid.