Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 4.djvu/35

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“And we likewise,” rejoined the merchants, “will pay him a thousand dinars each, if he release us.” With this, the ape went up to them and loosed their bonds, one by one, till he had freed them all, when they made for the ship and boarding her, found all safe and nothing missing. So they cast off and set sail; and presently Aboul Muzeffer said to them, “O merchants, fulfil your promise to the ape.” “We hear and obey,” answered they and paid him a thousand dinars each, whilst Aboul Muzeffer brought out to him the like sum of his own monies, so that there was a great sum of money collected for the ape.

Then they fared on till they reached the city of Bassora, where their friends came out to meet them; and when they had landed, the Sheikh said, “Where is Abou Mohammed the Lazy?” The news reached my mother, who came to me, as I lay asleep, and said to me, “O my son, the Sheikh Aboul Muzeffer has come back and is now in the city; so go thou to him and salute him and enquire what he hath brought thee; it may be God hath blessed thee with somewhat.” “Lift me from the ground,” quoth I, “and prop me up, whilst I walk to the river-bank.” So she lifted me up and I went out and walked on, stumbling in my skirts, till I met the Sheikh, who exclaimed, at sight of me, “Welcome to him whose money has been the means of my delivery and that of these merchants, by the will of God the Most High! Take this ape that I bought for thee and carry him home and wait till I come to thee.” So I took the ape, saying in myself, “By Allah, this is indeed rare merchandise!” and drove it home, where I said to my mother, “Whenever I lie down to sleep, thou biddest me rise and trade; see now this merchandise with thine own eyes.”

Then I sat down, and presently up came Aboul Muzeffer’s slaves and said to me, “Art thou Abou Mohammed the Lazy?” “Yes,” answered I; and behold, Aboul Muzeffer