Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 4.djvu/373

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of three kinds, to wit, those that are in love with this world, with the next and with their Lord; and it is said that hearts are three, the suspended, that of the infidel, the non-existent [or lost], that of the hypocrite, and the constant [or firm], that of the true-believer. Moreover, it is said that the latter is of three kinds, namely, the heart dilated with light and faith, that wounded with fear of estrangement and that which feareth to be forsaken of God.’

Night ccccxlv Quoth the second doctor, ‘Thou hast said well;’ whereupon said she to the Khalif, ‘O Commander of the Faithful, he has questioned me, till he is weary, and now I will ask him two questions. If he answer them, it is well, and if not, I will take his clothes and he shall depart in peace.’ Quoth the doctor, ‘Ask me what thou wilt,’ and she said, ‘What is religion?’ ‘Religion,’ answered he, ‘is confession[1] with the tongue and belief with the heart and doing with the members. Quoth the Prophet, “The believer is not perfect in belief, except five qualities be accomplished in him, namely, trust in God, committal of his affair to Him, submission to His commandment, acquiescence in His decrees and that he do all for His sake; so is he of those who are acceptable to God and who give and withhold for His sake, and he is perfect in belief.”’ Then said she, ‘What is the Koranic ordinance of ordinances and the ordinance which is the preliminary of all ordinances and that of which all others stand in need and that which comprehendeth all others, and what is the Traditional ordinance that entereth into the Koranic, and that whereby the latter is completed?’ But he was silent and made no reply; whereupon the Khalif bade her expound and ordered him to doff his clothes and give them to her. ‘O doctor,’ said she, ‘the Koranic ordinance of ordinances is the knowledge of God the Most High; that,

  1. Of the unity of God.