Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 4.djvu/402

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Colours twain in it are noted, one as silver clear and white, And the other lucent yellow, gold therewith may not compare.
Living can it not be reckoned, neither may we count it dead: Tell me, then, what is this wonder, rarity of all things rare?’

(A.) ‘Thou makest long the questioning of an egg worth a doit.’ (Q.) ‘How many words [or times] did God speak to Moses?’ (A.) ‘It is related of the Prophet that he said, “God spoke to Moses fifteen hundred and fifteen words [or times].”’ (Q.) ‘Tell me of fourteen things that speak to the Lord of the Worlds?’ Night cccclix.(A.) ‘The seven heavens and the seven earths, when they say, “We come, obedient.”’[1] (Q.) ‘How was Adam created?’ (A.) ‘God created Adam of clay: the clay He made of foam and the foam of the sea, the sea of darkness, darkness of light, light of a fish, the fish of a rock, the rock of a ruby, the ruby of water, and the water He created by the exertion of His omnipotent will, according to His saying (exalted be His name!), “His commandment is only when He willeth aught, that He say, ‘Be,’—and it is.”’[2] (Q.) ‘What is meant by the poet in the following verses:

A things sans mouth or maw that eats in wondrous wise; On trees and beasts it feeds and all beneath the skies.
Give it to eat, it thrives and flourishes amain; But give it not to drink of water, or it dies?’

(A.) ‘Fire.’ (Q.) ‘And in these:

Two lovers, that are still estopped from all delight; Embracing, each with each, they pass the livelong night.
They guarantee the folk from all calamity, And with the risen sun they’re torn apart forthright?’

(A.) ‘The leaves of a gate.’ (Q.) ‘Tell me of the gates of

  1. Then He turned to the heaven (now it was smoke) and said to it and to the earth, “Come ye twain, obedient or loathing.” And they said both, “We come, obedient.”—Koran xli. 10.
  2. Koran xxxvi. 82.