Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 4.djvu/43

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he hath loved her and had a mind to take her this long while, but could not win at her, being hindered of the talisman; and had it remained as it was, he could never have done so. However, fret not thyself for that; we will bring thee to her and kill the Marid; for thy kindness is not lost upon us.”

Night ccciv.Then he cried out with a terrible voice, and behold, there appeared a company of Jinn, of whom he enquired concerning the ape; and one of them said, “I know his abiding-place; it is in the City of Brass, upon which the sun riseth not.” Then said the first genie to me, “O Abou Mohammed, take one of these our slaves, and he will carry thee on his back and teach thee how thou shalt get back the girl: but know that he is a Marid and beware lest thou utter the name of God, whilst he is carrying thee; or he will flee from thee, and thou wilt fall and be destroyed.” “I hear and obey,” answered I and chose out one of the slaves, who bent down and said to me, “Mount.” So I mounted on his back, and he flew up with me into the air, till I lost sight of the earth and saw the stars as they were fixed mountains and heard the angels glorifying God in heaven, what while the Marid held me in converse, diverting me and hindering me from pronouncing the name of God. But, as we flew, behold, one clad in green raiment, with streaming tresses and radiant face, holding in his hand a javelin whence issued sparks of fire, accosted me, saying, “O Abou Mohammed, say, ‘There is no god but God and Mohammed is His apostle;’ or I will smite thee with this javelin.”

Now I was already sick at heart of my [forced] abstention from calling on the name of God; so I said, “There is no god but God and Mohammed is His apostle.” Whereupon the shining one smote the Marid with his javelin and he melted away and became ashes; whilst I was precipitated from his back and fell headlong toward