Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 6.djvu/122

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tree. So Sehim took him and binding him, haled him off with a rope, and Gherib’s men fell on those of Jemrcan and slew fifty of them and put the rest to flight; nor did they draw bridle till they reached their camp and raised their voices in clamour; whereupon all who were in the stronghold came out to meet them and they told them what had passed, and when they heard that their chief was a prisoner, they set out for the valley, vying with each other in their haste to deliver him.

Meanwhile King Gherib dismounted and called for Jemrcan, who humbled himself before him, saying, ‘I throw myself on thy mercy, O champion of the age!’ ‘O dog of the Arabs,’ replied Gherib, ‘dost thou waylay the servants of God the Most High and fearest not the Lord of the Worlds?’ ‘O my lord,’ said Jemrcan, ‘and who is the Lord of the Worlds?’ ‘O dog,’ rejoined Gherib, ‘and what calamity dost thou worship?’ ‘O my lord,’ answered the brigand, ‘I worship a god made of dates kneaded with butter and honey, and whiles I eat him and make me another.’ When Gherib heard this, he laughed, till he fell backward, and said, ‘O unhappy wretch, there is none worship-worth save God the Most High, who created thee and all things and provideth all creatures, from whom nothing is hidden and who hath power over all.’ Quoth Jemrcan, ‘And where is this mighty god, that I may worship him?’ ‘O fellow,’ answered Gherib, ‘know that this god’s name is Allah, and it is He who created the heavens and the earth and maketh the trees to grow and the waters to run. He created beasts and birds and Paradise and Hell-fire and secludeth Himself from all eyes, seeing and being seen of none. Extolled be His perfection! There is no god but He!’ When Jemrcan heard these words, the ears of his heart were opened and his skin shuddered and he said, ‘O my lord, what shall I say that I may become one of you and that