Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 9.djvu/192

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him.’ Quoth another, ‘Since he hath eaten with the dogs from the [same] tray, there is no harm in their sleeping with him; and this is nought but the fashion of madmen.’ Moreover, they ate not anydele of the food that remained in the tray, saying, ‘How shall we eat of dogs’ leavings?’ And they took the tray, with what was therein, and threw it away, saying, ‘It is unclean.’

As for Abdallah, ere he could think, the earth clove in sunder and out came Saïdeh, who said to him, ‘O Abdallah, why hast thou not beaten them this night and why hast thou done off the collars from their necks? Hast thou done this to thwart me and in mockery of my commandment? But now I will beat thee and change thee into a dog like unto them.’ ‘O my lady,’ answered he, ‘I conjure thee by the graving upon the ring of Solomon, son of David (on whom be peace!), have patience with me till I tell thee the reason [of this] and after do with me what thou wilt.’ ‘Say on,’ quoth she; and he said, ‘The king of mankind, the Commander of the Faithful, the Khalif Haroun er Reshid, commanded me not to beat them this night and took of me oaths and covenants to that effect; and he saluteth thee and hath committed to me a mandate under his own hand, which he bade me give thee. So I obeyed his commandment, for it is obligatory to obey the Commander of the Faithful; and here is the mandate. Take it and read it and after do thy will.’

So he gave her the letter and she opened it and read as follows, ‘In the name of God the Compassionate, the Merciful! From the king of mankind, Haroun er Reshid, to Saïdeh, daughter of the Red King!’ Then, after the usual salutations, ‘Verily, this man hath forgiven his brothers and hath let drop his claim against them, and we have enjoined them to reconciliation. Now, when reconciliation cometh about, punishment is remitted, and