Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 9.djvu/268

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that which I suffered, since thy departure, of contempt and humiliation and abjection and misery.’

And she went on to tell him what had befallen her, whilst he stared at her in amazement, till she said, ‘Yesterday, I went about all day, begging, but none gave me aught; and as often as I accosted any one and begged of him a morsel of bread, he reviled me and gave me nought. When night came, I went to bed supperless, and hunger consumed me and sore on me was that which I suffered, and I sat weeping. Presently, one appeared to me and said, “O woman, why weepest thou?” Quoth I, “I had a husband who used to provide for me and fulfil my wishes; but he is lost to me and I know not whither he is gone and have been in sore straits since he left me.” “What is thy husband’s name?” asked he, and I answered, “His name is Marouf.” “I know him,” said he. “Know that thy husband is now Sultan in a certain city, and if thou wilt, I will carry thee to him.” Quoth I, “I conjure thee of thy bounty to bring me to him!” So he took me up and flew with me between heaven and earth, till he brought me to this pavilion and said to me, “Enter yonder chamber, and thou wilt see thy husband asleep on the couch.” So I entered and found thee in this estate of lordship. Indeed, I thought not that thou wouldst forsake me, who am thy mate, and praised be God who hath united me with thee!’

Quoth Marouf, ‘Did I forsake thee or thou me? Thou complainedst of me from Cadi to Cadi and endedst by denouncing me to the Supreme Court and bringing down on me the men of violence from the citadel: so I fled in my own despite.’ And he went on to tell her all that had befallen him and how he was become Sultan and had married the king’s daughter and how the latter had died, leaving him a son, who was then seven years old. Quoth she, That which happened was fore-ordained of God the