Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 9.djvu/293

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  • Vizier, El Melik en Nasir and his, vi. 233.
  • Vizier of Yemen and his young brother, The, iv. 212.
  • Vizier’s Son and the Bathkeeper’s Wife, The, v. 283.
  • Vizier’s Wife, The King and his, v. 263.
  • Water-carrier and the goldsmith’s wife, The, iv. 229.
  • Waterfowl and the Tortoise, The, iii. 16.
  • Weasel, The Mouse and the, iii. 34.
  • Weaver, The Foolish, iii. 46.
  • Welid ben Sehl, Younus the Scribe and the Khalif, vi. 194.
  • Werdan the Butcher’s adventure with the Lady and the Bear, iv. 137.
  • Wife, The Bedouin and his, vi. 215.
  • Wife (the Chaste), The Lover’s Trick against, v. 267.
  • Wife, The King and his Vizier’s, v. 263.
  • Wife, The Man and his wilful, viii. 255.
  • Wife (The Merchant’s) and the Parrot, v. 265.
  • Wife (The virtuous) and the King, iv. 260.
  • Wife’s device to cheat her husband, The, v. 283.
  • Wife’s trick against her husband, The, iv. 236.
  • Wild Ass, The Fox and the, viii. 201.
  • Wilful Wife, The Man and his, viii. 255.
  • Wind, The Spider and the, viii. 213.
  • Wird Khan (King) and his Women and Viziers, viii. 246.
  • Wolf and the Fox, The, iii. 19.
  • Wolf, The Foxes and the, viii. 260.
  • Woman (The shipwrecked) and her child, v. 13.
  • Woman who made her husband sift dust, The, v. 276.
  • Woman whose hands were cut off for Almsgiving, The, iv. 126.
  • Women, The Malice of, v. 260.
  • Women, The two, iv. 300.
  • Yemen (The Man of) and his six slave-girls, iv. 92.
  • Yemen (The Vizier of) and his young brother, iv. 212.
  • Yehya ben Khalid and the Forger, iv. 30.
  • Yehya ben Khalid and Mensour, iv. 27.
  • Yehya ben Khalid and the poor man, iv. 232.