Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 9.djvu/55

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girls are come, to set the place in order, and she cometh after them; Night dcccclvii.and beware lest thou spit or sneeze or blow thy nose; else we are dead men, thou and I.’ So Ibrahim rose and went up into the bower, whilst the keeper went away, saying, ‘God grant thee safety, O my son!’

Presently up came four slave-girls, whose like none ever saw, and entering the pavilion, put off their clothes and washed it. Then they sprinkled it with rose-water and incensed it with ambergris and aloes-wood and spread it with brocade. After these came other fifty damsels, with instruments of music, and amongst them Jemileh, within a canopy of red brocade, the skirts whereof the slave-girls bore up with hooks of gold, till she had entered the pavilion, so that Ibrahim saw nought of her nor of her dress. So he said in himself, ‘By Allah, all my labour is lost! But needs must I wait to see how the case will be.’ Then the damsels brought meat and drink and they ate and drank and washed their hands, after which they set her a stool and she sat down. Then they all played on instruments of music and sang with ravishing voices, without compare.

Presently, out came an old woman, a duenna, and clapped her hands and danced, whilst the girls pulled her hither and thither, till the curtain was lifted and out came Jemileh, laughing. She was clad in [costly] robes and ornaments, and on her head was a crown set with pearls and jewels. About her neck she wore a necklace of pearls and her waist was clasped with a girdle of chrysolite bugles, with tassels[1] of rubies and pearls. The damsels kissed the earth before her, and when Ibrahim saw her, he took leave of his senses and his wit was dazed and his thought confounded for amazement at the sight of loveliness whose like is not on the face of the earth. He fell into a swoon and coming to himself weeping-eyed, recited the following verses:

  1. Lit. cords.