Page:The Books of Chronicles (1916).djvu/150

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Ezbai; 38Joel the brother of Nathan, Mibhar the son of Hagri; 39Zelek the Ammonite, Naharai the Berothite, the armourbearer of Joab the son of Zeruiah; 40Ira the Ithrite, Gareb the Ithrite; 41Uriah the Hittite, Zabad the son of Ahlai; 42Adina the son of Shiza the Reubenite, a chief of the Reubenites, and thirty with him; 43Hanan the son of Maacah, and Joshaphat the Mithnite; 44Uzzia the Ashterathite, Shama and Jeiel the sons of Hotham the Aroerite; 45Jediael the son of Shimri, and Joha his brother, the Tizite; 46Eliel the Mahavite, and Jeribai, and Joshaviah, the sons of Elnaam, and

38. Joel the brother of Nathan, Mibhar] Mibhar is a corruption of a word ("of Zobah") belonging to the first clause of the verse; cp. 2 Sam. xxiii. 39, "Igal the son of Nathan of Zobah." For "Zobah" cp. xviii. 3.

the son of Hagri] In 2 Sam. "Bani the Gadite."

39. the Berothite] Spelt generally "Beerothite." Beeroth was a Benjamite town; 2 Sam. iv. 2.

40. the Ithrite] i.e. "member of the family (or 'clan') of Jether." Cp. ii. 17, note.

41. Uriah the Hittite] Cp. 2 Sam. xi. 3. The list in 2 Sam. xxiii. closes with this name and with the note "thirty and seven in all." In Chron. the list is extended to include sixteen additional names, which are all otherwise unknown.

41 b47 (no parallel in 2 Sam.). Continuation of the List of
David's Mighty Men.

42. and thirty with him] This clause may be a marginal note taken into the text at the wrong place. It was apparently meant to stand after the name of Uriah the Hittite (ver. 41) by some scribe who followed our present text and referred "the sons of Hashem" (ver. 34) to Azmaveth and Eliahba (ver. 33), thus reckoning just thirty names from Asahel to Uriah. The clause should be read either "and up to him are thirty" or "and all of them are thirty" (cp. 2 Sam. xxiii. 39). Another possibility is that the proper place of these verses, 42—47, is in ch. xii., after ver. 7: they describe on that view the Reubenite gathering to David, and the names in vv. 43—47 are then to be regarded as a portion of the list of the thirty with Adina (ver. 42). On the characteristics of these additional names and of those in xii. 1—22, see G. B. Gray, Hebrew Proper Names, p. 230.

44. the Ashterathite] i.e. inhabitant of Ashtaroth (vi. 71 [56, Heb.]), a city of Manasseh east of Jordan.

the Aroerite] i.e. inhabitant of Aroer. There were two cities of this name, both east of Jordan; cp. Josh. xiii. 16, 25.

46. the Mahavite] Read perhaps, "the Mahanite," i.e. inhabitant of Mahanaim, a town east of Jordan; cp. 2 Sam. xvii. 27; or "the Meonite," i.e. of Beth Meon, a Reubenite city, Josh. xiii. 17.